"Stop mixing things up, Lucas!"
"I might hug him because he supported me, but that doesn't mean I fully trust him," I say, looking at him.
He didn't reply. Of course, once again, he managed to make us argue by twisting things around.
"And back then, I did it so you'd prove you cared about me, to regain your trust when I hadn't even done anything. Stop being so selfish..." I respond, trying hard not to break down.
He looks at me, and I just get into the car without saying another word.
A few moments later, he gets in as well and starts the engine. Two minutes later, we arrive at my house. I pull out my keys and get out of the car.
I hear his car door close too, and I start walking faster so he can't catch up.
His hand grabs my arm and turns me around to face him.
"I'm sorry," he says, looking at me.
I look at him, hurt.
"If I say it's okay, I'd be lying.""I don't want you to be upset. Yes, I was an idiot for saying that... I don't want us to be like this again."
I stare at him. Yeah, but somehow, he always manages to turn things upside down.
"If Peter does anything to Mia, I'll kill him myself."
"If you even get the chance, because I'll be the first in line," I reply, and he laughs.
"I know, wildcat."
"Are we going now?" he asks, and we walk into my house.
I unlock the door and go straight to my room. I grab a few dresses to decide what to wear, toss them in a bag, and throw in some heels too. Then I head to the living room.
I see Lucas, once again, staring at the photo frames.
I swallow the pain that wells up inside me and look away.
"I'm ready," I say calmly, glancing at him.
He turns to look at me. I don't show that I'm hurt. I just walk out the door and wait for him to follow.
I lock the house, and we get back into the car. He starts the engine, and five minutes later, we arrive at his place.
We walk inside, and it's already 10 PM.
We see Peter lounging on the couch.
"Hey, you're back?"
"No, we're still on the way," I say, giving him a look.
"Leave it," I tell him, glancing around for Mia.
"Where's Mia?" I ask Peter.
"She's in the room you usually sleep in," he replies.
"Alright, I'm going to get ready," I say and head to the room.
I find Mia on her phone.
"What are you doing?" I ask, and she looks up at me.
"Well, we finally decided to show up?"
"Shh, sorry for leaving you with Peter earlier."
"It's fine, it was fun," she says with a sly smile.
I give her a suspicious look.
"No, no, I mean like in a friendly way! You know I have a boyfriend, Emma."
"You'd better," I say, narrowing my eyes at her.
"I'm not like you, making bets with Lucas," she teases, now giving me a sly look.
How do I even explain all of this to her? This is like a drama series with everything that's happening.
As I start explaining, we begin getting ready.
"Still, I know you're going to fall for him," she says, smirking.
"Why do you even think that?" I ask as I change my top.
Suddenly, the door opens, and Lucas storms in, looking angry. I turn to face him, clutching my shirt to cover myself.
"How dare you just barge in like that!" I yell at him, while both Mia and I are left speechless.
"Mia, can you step out for a moment?" Lucas says calmly. Mia nods and quickly leaves the room, giving us some space.
"First of all, turn around so I can put my shirt on," I snap at him. He turns around.
I put my shirt on.
"Now, tell me what's your problem this time..."
"What happened once at your house when Scott was there?"
Shit, shit, shit. What does he know?
"What do you mean, Lucas? You're going to have to be more specific."
"You know, when Scott came to your house and saw you in a towel, and you let him in too."
"What the hell?! Are you serious, Lucas? Yes, I was in a towel, but I was waiting for Mia, and I didn't let him into my house at all."
"That's not what he told me," Lucas says angrily.
Peter walks in this time.
"Lucas, stop! Scott could be lying," Peter says.
I look at both of them, stunned. How could they even think I'd let Scott into my house? And especially Lucas, who I thought knew me better than this!
"Out, both of you!" I yell furiously. "And there's nothing left to say to you, Lucas. We've seen how trustworthy your promises are."
I'm beyond angry now. Lucas made me feel like a fool, yet again, for believing he understood me.
"Go with Peter to the party. I'll go alone," he says and walks out of the room.
I turn to Peter.
"I'll be waiting downstairs. Don't worry, he'll calm down and come to his senses," Peter says.
"Don't. I'm done with him. I'm tired of this same cycle," I reply, and he looks at me.
"You can go now. I need to finish getting ready. And tell Mia to come back in."
Peter leaves the room, and I'm left alone with my heart in pieces once again.

The player and the shy girl (english version)
RomanceAs I walk into the school, he spots me and immediately starts talking to me. I brush past him, ignoring him, but today is definitely not my lucky day... He grabs my arm firmly, stopping me, and turns me to face him. The pain on my face contorts his...