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"Hahn, I am feeling so hot!" shouted Lexi the next day at six in the morning. With a jolt, I woke up, soaking in sweat. "What happened? It was winter yesterday, and it is so hot today! Where is all the ice?"

"I don't understand a thing that is happening here," said Lexi. "Let's get out of here and find something to eat."In about two hours, we were out of the jungle and felt so happy that we began dancing around, but then we realized how hungry and thirsty we had been since waking up. There was nothing around, so, disappointed, we started walking straight up. A little later, our walking became so strange that we started laughing at each other. We actually looked as if we were drunk; we weren't stable. "Hey, why the hell are we walking like that, as if we are drunk and can't feel our legs?" we asked together, still laughing.

Lexi looked up towards the sky and said, "Wow, there goes another day; it's almost dark." "Come on, I had nothing to eat, and you say another day is over," I moaned as I sat on the nearby tree. I lay there thinking about all that had happened to us, which was very odd.

Gradually, I fell asleep. I jerked awake to Lexi's screaming and looked toward her to find a face in shock. I then asked what had happened. She swallowed loudly and said, "It is spring today. Are you dreaming?" She took my hand and raised my face toward the tree, which was covered with different colors of leaves and flowers.

I rubbed my eyes and blinked again, just to prove that I was dreaming. So, this wasn't a dream-one thing I understood was that seasons don't change here in months but in days, and the beauty around this place is so different. It seemed fun to me to explore this place.

We started finding our way out of the jungle because it was the third day in the jungle with nothing for a person who relies on electronics to stay entertained during the journey. We ended up in the jungle on the other side of the world, with the seasons changing each day.

Within less than an hour, we were out of that place and onto the streets, which were filled with shops, houses, people talking to one another, and children at play. It was so beautiful to see people around after a three day stay among the trees and insects.

Hi, how are you two? We turned to our right at a noise and saw that it was a horse speaking to us. Our eyes grew wide as the horse spoke once more. We asked what had happened because we thought we were mistaken, but no, he really spoke.

"You can talk?" I asked, and the horse said, "You are the only one who can hear me here; to them, I am just a normal horse." Lexis pushed me and asked me to inquire about its name, as she was able to talk to us.

I think she understood our facial expressions and said, "I think you need to know my name, but I don't have one, so why don't you give me one?" I would love to have one if you keep one, as I would rather not be called a horse all along."

Likewise, I'm with you, she said with a grin, and we both felt at ease and smiled, or should I say giggled. "Okay, you want us to name it; is that okay? Then let's think of a name. How about you, sweetheart?" "Too sweet," asked Lexi. "Umm, then brown," I said. "Nah, okay, wait, how about... beauty?" We said it in unison, then faced her, hoping that she was okay with the name.

"Ah, what a beautiful name; I like it." We high-fived with big smiles on our faces.Then that is it; we'll call you "Beauty," okay? Hey, do you know somewhere we can eat? I am starving and have had nothing for breakfast. There is a place nearby where you can get food.

"Come on, get on my back," she said. Hey, may I know your names? I forgot to ask. We got on her back and said, "I am Lexi," which she said first as she was sitting in the front, and "I am Sam," which I said. Then she took us to that hut nearby, whose name was KATE HUT.

It was a small hut. Oh, watch out, be careful, and take that small pouch from my seat.There's some money for you guys, and I'll be out in the shed. Just call out for me after you are done, and I shall come. Okay!

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