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At the party… (7:30pm)

“Did we really need to be fashionably late?” Quentin asked.

“Of course we do.” Quinn said then they rang the doorbell.

“Hey Quinn! Who’s this dude with you? I never knew you had a third brother.” His friend Andrew said.

“Andrew, it’s me.” Quentin spoke.

“You who?” he asked.

“Quentin, Quentin Flynn.” He said.

“Quentin?! No way! Come in you guys!” he exclaimed. They went inside and went to the backyard with their old friends.

“Hey look who I just saw!”

“Whoa, Quinn has a third brother?” one of their friends asked.

“No dude, it’s Quentin!” Andrew yelled.

“OOOOOOOOH!” hey all shouted.

“No way, look at you man! Your body is incredible!” some of his old friend exclaimed.

“looks like our fat friend here has been working out.” His old close friend ‘Darwin said.

“Actually, yeah, I have been.” He said.

“That is so cool!” he said.

“So uuuh…anyone knows where Ericka is?” Quentin asked.

“ have a thing for her do you?” Andrew cooed.

“Yes he does.” Quinn butted-in, then Quentin glared at him.

“Well, she’s inside somewhere, go look for her, we’ll be waiting here with Quinn.” Darwin said.

“Okay, cool, see ya guys.” Quentin said then he went inside to look for Ericka. Instead of seeing Ericka he saw Stephanie flirting with some jocks.

“Ugh, what a slut.” Quentin rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Oh hey Quentin! Jealous?” she smirked.

“Uuuh, why would I be jealous of a walking steroid?” he smiled fakely.

“What did you say?” the guy glared.

“Ugh, ignore him Brandon, he’s not worth it.” Stephanie walked away and dragged his boyfriend somewhere else. Minutes of searching have passed and he couldn’t see Ericka anywhere, so he went back with the others and found the guys laughing and having fun.

“Dude, Ericka might not make it, sorry. But I do want you to meet our new friend, He’s awesome!” Andrew said and when the mystery guy turned around, he saw Ashton.

“Quentin?” Ashton spoke.

“Ashton?” Quentin’s eyes went wide.

“Oh you two know each other?”

“Uuuh, yeah.” Quentin nodded still staring at Ashton.

“Hi.” Ashton greeted.

“Hey.” Quentin greeted back awkwardly.

“This may seem kinda awkward but, please don’t tell Claira about this, she’s going to flip out.” Ashton said.

“Why would she flip out?” he asked.

“Well, she doesn’t like it when I drink alcohol, she said it makes me crazy.” He said giving Quentin a bottle of beer.

“Oooh, were you with these guys when you arrived drunk at camp?” Quentin asked again taking the beer from Ashton’s hand.

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