The quarrel

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After a few hours, they went back to the bar and saw a lot of people dancing with the loud music.

"Whoa, this is awesome, i could totally pick up chicks here!" Andrew said.

"Perv." Ericka rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Come on guys, let's go party!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Andrew cheered and ran towards the dancefloor with Ericka.

"You two coming?" Ashton asked.

"Nah, you guys go, i'll just sit here." Claira said as she sat down the chair by the counter.

"Go ahead, i'll stay here with her." Quentin grinned and sat down with Claira.

"Why aren't you dancing with them?" Claira asked.

"well, i'm kinda tired from throwing you into the pool and i don't dance." he said.

"Well, i'm tired too, can we go home now? It's getting kinda late." she said. 

"It's just 7:00, c'mon, let's stay for a little while." 

"Oh alright..." she smiled. 

"Alright, the next song goes to the couples out there." The DJ called out and played the song 'More than words' by the extreme.

"More than words." Claira and Quentin said at the same time.

"This has been my favorite song for years." Claira giggled.

"Mine too...W-Wanna dance?" Quentin grinned.

"Sure." she smiled and reach her hand out to Quentin. Quentin took her hand and smiled at her, then they went to the dance floor.

"I don't really dance though." Claira scratched her head.

"That's alright, neither do I." he said then Claira laughed.

"Gimme your hands." he said. He placed her hands around his shoulder and swayed around with her. They stared at each other for a while with a smile on both of their faces. Quentin stopped for a while and leaned slowly to her. Claira's smile faded slowly when she realized what was about to happen, so she let go of Quentin's hand and took a step back.

"Uuuh...I'm gonna go sit down." She said leaving him in the middle of the dance floor.

"What is the matter with you?" Andrew appeared giving Quentin quite a shock.

"Don't sneak up on me like that man!" he said.

"Sorry, but let me give you a quick tip."

"Here it comes..." he sighed with a half smile walking towards the counter.

"Next time you get a chance to make a move with her, do it somewhere private and kiss her quickly THEN take her home and never let her out of your bedroom ever again!" he said.

"wow, you're really drunk huh." Quentin smiled.

"I am not drunk, everything is just spinning and a little bit blurry." he said.

"Whatever, i gotta take Claira home." Quentin said looking around for Claira.

"Alright, oh by the way, i somehow managed to convice a girl to go on a one night stand with me, so yeah, i'm getting lucky tonight!" he yelled.

"Well, congratulations buddy, i gotta go, did you see where Claira went?" he asked.

"Uuuh, no man, sorry, i gotta go make out with some random chick over there." he pointed and walked away with wobbly feet. Quentin chuckled and went outside to look for Claira.

"Claira?" he called.

"You should really stay away from places like this, it's a good thing you decided to call me." Quentin heard a familiar voice beside the palm tree near the shore. So he went there and saw Claira talking with Quinn.

"I'm sorry." she said. Quinn stared at her and pulled her for a hug.

"it's alright, come on, i'm taking you home." he said then they both stopped when they saw Quentin.

"Q-Quentin." Claira spoke nervously.

"I'm going to take her home now, you should too." Quinn glared at Quentin and dragged Claira out of the resort while Quentin followed them. When they got a cab, the three of them sat at the back of the car. Minutes later when Claira fell asleep on Quinn's shoulder, Quentin decided to speak.

"Quinn, i know i should have brought her home earlier, i'm sorry man." 

"Just don't take her to places like that, it's not safe, and i think you shouldn't be hanging out with her too much." 

"I'll try, besides, she was supposed to be mine if you didn't steal her from me." 

"Would you stop saying that? she chose me okay? deal with it." 

"Whatever, drop me off at the mall please." he told the driver with a deep sigh.

"Seriously? you're going out again? When was the last time you stayed at home for one whole day?" Quinn asked sternly as Quentin sighed once more.

"You don't control my life, it's mine and i can do whatever i want with it, so for once would you just back off and let me do whatever the hell i want?"  

"You're right, i shouldn't even be meddling, but if i 'back off', would you do the same with Claira?" Quinn said then Quentin looked at him.

"You know i can't do that." Quentin glared.

"Too bad, because that's all you have to do if you want me out of your businesses." 

"What if i don't do it? huh? what will you do?" 

"Oh you don't know what i have in store for you. So don't cross the line." Quinn smirked at him.

"Whatever." Quentin sighed and went out the cab. After that, Quinn took Claira home and explained everything to Kana.

"Thanks for bringing her home Quinn, i really appreciate it." Kana smiled.

"Anytime, just tell her what i told you about Quentin." 

"Sure, thanks again, be careful on the way home." Kana said then Quinn left with a smirk on his face.  



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