Chapter 8: The Shadow Within

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Scene 1: A Morning Without Lyka

The Academy feels a little different that morning. Elara, Auron, and Darius sit together in the classroom, but something is missing. The seat beside Elara is empty, and the absence of Lyka's usual energy is palpable. Auron notices Elara glancing toward the empty seat with concern.

Auron (frowning):
"She didn't come to class today. Do you think something's wrong?"

Elara (quietly):
"She seemed fine yesterday. But... I don't know. Something feels off."

Darius (leaning back, crossing his arms):
"Maybe she's just tired. She's been pushing herself pretty hard lately—especially with all that advanced magic."

Elara looks down, remembering how much strain Lyka had been under during the exams. She had seen the way Lyka's face paled after using the four-layered magic circle, but Lyka had always brushed off the concern, determined to prove herself. But now, Elara feels a knot of worry tighten in her chest.

Elara (determined):
"We should check on her. Just to be sure."

Auron nods in agreement, and even Darius, who usually hides his emotions behind a tough exterior, looks concerned.

"Let's head to her place after class. I've got a bad feeling about this."

Scene 2: Lyka's Illness

Meanwhile, at Lyka's home, Sera and Baren watch over their daughter with growing anxiety. Lyka lies in her bed, her face pale, her body drenched in sweat. She hasn't woken up since she fell asleep the previous night, and her breathing is shallow.

Sera places a damp cloth on Lyka's forehead, her hands trembling. Baren stands by the door, his arms crossed, but the worry in his eyes is impossible to hide.

Sera (whispering, her voice breaking):
"She's burning up, Baren. What if... what if something's wrong with her magic? She's been pushing herself so hard."

Baren (softly):
"She's strong. But... we should've known using that kind of magic would take a toll on her. She's been so determined to prove herself... maybe too determined."

Baren steps forward, placing a reassuring hand on Sera's shoulder, though he himself feels the weight of helplessness. Neither of them know what to do beyond waiting for Lyka to wake up.

Baren (sighing):
"We'll get through this. She's just exhausted... She'll wake up soon. I know she will."

Sera nods, but her eyes are filled with tears as she looks down at her daughter, silently praying for Lyka to open her eyes.

Scene 3: The Visit

Later that afternoon, a knock sounds at the door. Baren opens it, expecting perhaps a neighbor or someone from the village, but to his shock, Elara, Auron, and Darius stand outside. Elara, dressed in a simple but elegant outfit, steps forward with a concerned look on her face.

Elara (nervously):
"Excuse me, sir. We're Lyka's friends. We... we heard she wasn't feeling well, so we wanted to check on her. Is she alright?"

Baren blinks, surprised to see nobles standing on his doorstep. He had always known his daughter had friends at the Academy, but seeing two nobles—a fact he hadn't quite accepted—throws him off guard.

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