Chapter 37: The Rise of the Black Dragon

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Scene 1: The Desperate Chase

The night air was cold as Lyka, in her Shadow Raven suit, sprinted across the rooftops, her heart pounding in her chest. In the distance, she could see Alex, still partially transformed, leaping away into the darkness. His dragon scales gleamed under the moonlight, his claws tearing into the stone walls of buildings as he moved. The corruption had taken over most of his body, and Lyka knew time was running out.

With trembling hands, she aimed her grappling anchor and fired it toward Alex's leg. The anchor hit its mark, wrapping tightly around his leg and digging into the stone of a nearby building. Alex stumbled, snarling in frustration as he was pulled back, unable to move.

Shadow Raven (Lyka, breathless, pleading):
"Alex, please! Let me help you!"

Alex turned his glowing red eyes toward her, his face contorted with pain and fury. His body trembled as he fought against the dragon's control, but the corruption was too strong. He let out a deafening roar, the sound shaking the very foundation of the street.

Lyka's heart raced. She could see the dragon's influence consuming him, taking over his mind. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized just how close he was to losing himself completely.

Shadow Raven (Lyka, voice shaking):
"Please, Alex... don't let it take you. You can fight this!"

But Alex was beyond hearing her. His claws dug into the stone as he struggled against the anchor, the tension in the rope growing as he pulled with all his strength. Lyka watched in horror as the anchor snapped, the force sending her stumbling back.

Before she could react, Alex lunged forward, his claws extended, and attacked a random woman walking down the street. The woman screamed, frozen in terror as the half-transformed dragon bore down on her.

Woman (screaming, terrified):
"Help! Someone, please!"

Without thinking, Lyka raised her pistol and fired. The shot hit Alex in the shoulder, knocking him back just enough to stop the attack. But as the bullet hit, Lyka's heart sank. She hadn't wanted to hurt him, but she had no choice.

Shadow Raven (Lyka, horrified, stammering):
"S-s-sorry, Alex... I didn't mean to..."

Alex recoiled, clutching his shoulder as he stared at her with wide, furious eyes. The dragon inside him seized on the moment, whispering darkly in his mind.

Dragon's Voice (taunting, cold):
"See? She doesn't care about you. She shot you without hesitation."

Alex's face twisted in pain and anger as the dragon's words filled his thoughts. He shook his head violently, trying to clear the confusion, but the dragon's voice was too strong. The corruption wrapped tighter around his mind, poisoning his thoughts.

Alex (growling, in a broken voice):
"No... I don't believe it. She... she wouldn't..."

But the dragon's influence was relentless, feeding on his confusion and despair.

Dragon's Voice (whispering darkly):
"She's not your friend. She never was. You want to remember her name, don't you? The name of the one you hate... the one you want to devour."

Suddenly, the dragon's voice echoed clearly in Alex's mind, the name it had kept hidden for so long finally revealed.

Dragon's Voice (with dark satisfaction):
"Her name is Lyka—the Crown Princess of Lusitania."

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