Chapter 17: Lyka's Knight

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Scene 1: The Morning Panic

The soft morning light filters through the curtains of Lyka's room, casting a gentle glow over the space. Lyka, still wrapped in her blankets, is fast asleep, breathing softly. The room is peaceful—until a sudden burst of frantic energy enters in the form of Mira.

With a panicked expression, Mira rushes over to the bed, shaking Lyka's shoulder urgently.

Mira (panicking, breathless):
"Lyka! Wake up, wake up! You've been summoned—urgently!"

Lyka groans, turning over and pulling the blanket over her head, still half-asleep.

Lyka (muffled, sleepy):
"Mira, why? We stayed up so late last night... just let me sleep a little more..."

Mira bites her lip, glancing toward the door, knowing she has no choice but to drag Lyka out of bed. She pulls the blanket back with determination.

Mira (urgently):
"I know, I know, but the King and Queen want you in the throne room—right now!"

At that, Lyka's eyes fly open, her heart skipping a beat. She sits up straight, her hair a wild mess, her mind still groggy.

Lyka (shocked, wide-eyed):
"Wait—what? The throne room? Why didn't you wake me sooner?!"

Lyka lets out a dramatic scream, jumping out of bed in a flurry of blankets and rushing to her wardrobe to change. Mira watches her with a mix of amusement and panic, helping her frantically search for something appropriate to wear.

Lyka (panicking, throwing clothes around):
"What if it's something serious? What if I'm late?!"

Mira (half-laughing, trying to calm her):
"Lyka, breathe! You're not late yet... but you will be if you don't hurry!"

Lyka scrambles into a dress, half-stumbling as she pulls it on, still trying to tame her wild hair. Mira helps fix her up, smoothing her dress and hair, before stepping back with a satisfied smile.

Mira (playfully):
"There. Presentable enough to see royalty, I think."

Lyka lets out a breath, nodding as she rushes to the door.

Lyka (nervously):
"Thanks, Mira! I'll be back soon—hopefully."

Scene 2: The Throne Room Decision

Lyka hurries down the grand hallway toward the throne room, her heart racing with a mix of nervousness and curiosity. When she reaches the grand doors, they open to reveal the imposing but familiar sight of King Elric and Queen Alicia, seated on their thrones. Their expressions are serious, though their eyes hold warmth as they watch Lyka enter.

Lyka approaches, giving a quick bow to her adoptive parents, but her mind is still swirling with questions. She's clearly nervous, and she fidgets with her dress as she looks up at them.

Lyka (nervously):
"Mother, Father, what's going on?"

King Elric leans forward slightly, his tone firm but gentle.

King Elric (seriously):
"Lyka, my child, it's time for you to choose your knight."

Lyka's heart sinks for a moment. The trauma of her past immediately floods back—the image of her parents, Sera and Baren, being executed by a knight in Eldoria. Her hands tremble slightly, and she casts her eyes downward, trying to gather her thoughts.

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