Chapter 39: A Week of Peace

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Scene 1: The Heroes' Secret

It had been one week since the Black Dragon's attack on Valoria, and the city was finally beginning to rebuild. The streets that had once been filled with debris and panic were now buzzing with activity as workers from all over the kingdom worked tirelessly to restore what had been lost. Even Lusitania, under orders from King Elric, had sent aid to help Valoria in its time of need.

But while the city worked to heal, there was a new rumor spreading through its streets—the tale of the mysterious masked heroes who had fought the dragon and saved the kingdom from destruction. Everywhere Lyka went, she heard whispers of their bravery, their mysterious appearance, and the hope they had inspired in the people.

At the Royal Magic Academy, Lyka sat under a tree in the courtyard, surrounded by the warmth of the afternoon sun. She wasn't alone for long—Elara, Auron, and Darius approached, their faces lit up with excitement.

Elara (grinning, excited):
"Lyka, have you heard the news? We're heroes!"

Lyka glanced up, surprised at the sudden burst of energy from Elara. She raised an eyebrow, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

Lyka (softly, amused):
"Heroes, huh? How did you hear that?"

Auron (smiling proudly):
"It's all over the city. The king of Valoria even sent out a letter asking to find the heroes who fought the Black Dragon. We're famous!"

Darius, who had been standing quietly, chuckled as he crossed his arms.

Darius (teasing):
"Though, I have to say, it's not every day we get to hear our accomplishments sung in the streets."

Lyka's smile faded slightly as she thought about the king's search. She knew they couldn't afford to be recognized—revealing their identities would cause a lot of complications, especially since using magic outside the academy was a violation of the school's rules.

Lyka (whispering, serious):
"We can't let them know who we are. No one can know our faces. If they find out, it could cause problems for us."

Auron, who was usually the more serious of the group, nodded in agreement.

Auron (firmly):
"Lyka's right. This is a violation of the academy's rules. We could get expelled if—"

Before Auron could finish his sentence, Lyka grinned mischievously. She raised her hand, forming a small mudball with her magic. Without warning, she hurled it directly at Auron's face.

The mud splattered across his cheek, and for a brief moment, there was silence. Then, Lyka laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the tension that had been hanging over them for the past week.

Lyka (laughing sweetly):
"Come on, Auron! You're too serious!"

Elara and Darius burst into laughter, doubling over as they watched Auron's stunned expression. Auron, however, was quick to recover, wiping the mud from his face with a sly grin.

Auron (smirking, playful):
"Oh, you're gonna regret that, Lyka."

He quickly formed his own mudball, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he aimed for Lyka. She squealed and dodged, laughing as she ran across the courtyard.

Lyka (giggling):
"You'll have to catch me first!"

Elara and Darius joined in the fun, forming mudballs of their own as they chased after Lyka and Auron. The courtyard was filled with laughter and shouts as the friends playfully threw mud at each other, their worries momentarily forgotten.

For the first time in what felt like forever, they were just kids again—no dragons, no battles, no heavy responsibilities. Just friends, enjoying the moment.

Scene 2: A Sweet Reunion

After what felt like hours of running around and laughing, Lyka finally made her way back to the dormitory, her heart lighter than it had been in days. She still couldn't stop thinking about Alex and the guilt she felt over his transformation into Invecta, but for now, she allowed herself to enjoy the peace.

The moment she stepped into the dorm, she spotted Mira waiting for her. Without hesitation, Lyka ran to her, wrapping her arms around Mira in a tight hug. Mira, startled at first, quickly smiled and hugged her back.

Mira (laughing softly, teasing):
"Well, well, what's this? Getting all clingy, are we?"

Lyka buried her face in Mira's shoulder, her voice soft but filled with warmth.

Lyka (muffled, sweet):
"Thank you for everything, Mira."

Mira's smile softened as she stroked Lyka's hair gently.

Mira (gently, with love):
"Hey, what's this all about? You don't need to thank me, little sis."

But Lyka pulled back slightly, her eyes shining with a mix of gratitude and something else—something deeper.

Lyka (pouting slightly):
"You've been spending a lot of time with Elara lately... I just... wanted you all to myself for a bit."

Mira's eyes widened in surprise, and then she let out a warm, affectionate laugh.

Mira (teasing):
"Oh, so that's what this is about! Someone's feeling a little jealous, huh?"

Lyka's cheeks flushed slightly, but she didn't let go. Instead, she buried her face back in Mira's shoulder, her voice playful but with a hint of shyness.

Lyka (mumbling):

Mira hugged her tighter, her heart swelling with affection for the girl she had come to care for like a little sister. She placed a gentle kiss on Lyka's forehead, smiling softly.

Mira (soothing, lovingly):
"Don't worry, Lyka. You'll always be my number one. Besides, who could resist this cute face?"

Lyka smiled at that, feeling her heart lighten even more. She looked up at Mira with a soft, grateful expression.

Lyka (whispering):
"I'm really lucky to have you."

They stayed like that for a moment, the warmth and closeness between them filling the room with a comforting silence. Eventually, Mira pulled back and gently guided Lyka toward her bed.

Mira (playfully):
"Come on, let's get some rest. You've had a long day."

Lyka nodded, feeling the exhaustion finally catch up to her. She climbed into bed, and Mira joined her, lying beside her like she had done so many times before. The room was quiet, but it was a peaceful kind of quiet, filled with warmth and love.

Lyka (smiling, eyes half-closed):
"Goodnight, big sis."

Mira (whispering, with a smile):
"Goodnight, little mage."

And as they lay there, side by side, Lyka felt a sense of calm wash over her. For the first time since the battle with the Black Dragon, she felt at peace.

End of Chapter 39

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