Chapter 26: Fires of Redemption

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Scene 1: Confusion and Determination

The shadows of the forest stretched long and thin as Lyka, still disguised as Shadow Raven, darted through the trees, her mind racing. The sight of Alex and the Lusitanian knights earlier had rattled her. Why had they come? Was it by her father's orders? Were they trying to drag her back to Lusitania before she could save Auron and Darius?

Despite her confusion, one thing remained clear: she had to press on. She had to save Auron and Darius. That was her mission now, and she wouldn't let anything or anyone stop her.

Her heart ached as she thought about what had become of them—the friends who had once meant everything to her. The darkness that had swallowed Auron... she had to bring him back.

Lyka (thinking, resolute):
"I won't let you fall into darkness, Auron. No matter what it takes, I'll save you."

As she continued through the forest, Lyka's senses sharpened. There was a disturbance in the air. She could feel it—someone was following her.

Scene 2: The Ambush

Without warning, figures emerged from the trees, encircling her. It was an ambush. Bandits from the Obsidian Fang closed in, their weapons drawn and their faces twisted with cruel intent. In the center of the group, Auron and Darius stood at the forefront, their expressions unreadable.

Auron's eyes glowed with a sinister darkness, while Darius, though less outwardly hostile, remained silent and observant. Lyka's heart pounded as she recognized them both.

Auron took a step forward, his voice low and filled with venom.

Auron (coldly, mocking):
"So... this is the infamous Shadow Raven who's been destroying our allies. Hmph. Your body... it looks like a girl's."

Darius, standing beside Auron, sighed, glancing around at the other bandits with mild impatience.

Darius (nonchalant, muttering):
"Let's finish this quickly and get back. This isn't worth wasting time on."

Lyka's heart raced as she scanned the area. She was completely surrounded. There was no way out without a fight. But more than anything, her eyes remained locked on Auron and Darius—her friends.

Her voice, altered by the voice changer in her mask, echoed darkly as she spoke, a hint of cold menace in her tone.

Lyka (as Shadow Raven, demonically):
"I'll give you until the count of ten to leave. If you don't, I won't guarantee your safety... except for the two leaders, Auron and Darius."

Her voice sent a shiver through the bandits, but none of them moved. Auron's eyes narrowed, a mocking smile playing on his lips.

Auron (smirking, darkly):
"Counting down now, are we? How cute."

Lyka's heart ached beneath her mask, torn between wanting to talk to them and knowing she had to fight. She began counting, her voice cold and steady.

Lyka (counting, sternly):
"One... Two... Three..."

As she counted, none of the bandits moved. Auron stood defiantly, his arms crossed, while Darius remained still, his eyes flickering between Lyka and the others. The countdown reached ten, and the tension in the air snapped.

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