Chapter 42: Broken Bonds

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Scene 1: The Misunderstanding

It had been a rough week for Lyka. The pressure of being the Crown Princess of Lusitania and keeping her secret as Shadow Raven while adjusting to life at the Royal Magic Academy in Valoria weighed heavily on her. As she returned to the dormitory she shared with Mira, Lyka could feel her frustrations building.

Mira, as always, had been there to support her, but today something felt different. The tension that had been bubbling inside Lyka was nearing its breaking point. Mira could sense something was off and approached her, worried.

Mira (softly, concerned):
"Lyka, do you want to talk about what's bothering you? You've seemed tense since this morning."

Lyka was pacing, her silver hair swishing as she moved restlessly around the room. The day had been overwhelming, with teachers and students expecting so much from her as the Crown Princess. She stopped mid-step and turned toward Mira, her irritation boiling over.

Lyka (snapping, frustrated):
"I said I'm fine, Mira! I don't need to be constantly watched over!"

Mira blinked, clearly startled by the sharp tone in Lyka's voice. She took a step closer, keeping her voice calm and gentle, trying to understand what was going on.

Mira (softly, with concern):
"I'm not watching over you, Lyka. I'm just... worried. I know things have been hard lately, and I—"

Lyka, still caught in her own frustrations, interrupted her, not realizing the impact her words would have.

Lyka (angrily, voice rising):
"Stop! You're always hovering around! You're just my maid, Mira! Not my sister—just my maid!"

The room fell into a sudden, icy silence. Mira's face went pale, her usually warm and kind eyes filled with shock and hurt. She stood frozen for a moment, her heart sinking as she processed what Lyka had just said. Those words pierced deep—deeper than Lyka knew.

Mira (softly, voice trembling):
"Just your maid? Is that what you really think of me?"

Lyka's eyes widened in shock as the realization of what she had said hit her. Her anger evaporated in an instant, replaced by guilt. She reached out toward Mira, but Mira took a step back, her voice strained with the pain of Lyka's words.

Mira (sadly):
"I see... I guess I forgot my place, then."

Without another word, Mira turned and walked out of the dorm room, her steps heavy with emotion. Lyka stood there, stunned, her outstretched hand slowly dropping to her side. Her heart was pounding in her chest as the weight of her mistake settled in.

Lyka (whispering, to herself):
"What have I done?"

Scene 2: The Weight of Regret

Hours passed, and Mira still hadn't returned to their dorm. Lyka sat on her bed, her head in her hands, replaying the scene over and over in her mind. Her heart felt heavy with regret. She had lashed out at the one person who had always been there for her, the person who treated her like family.

The guilt gnawed at her, making it impossible to sit still. She couldn't leave things like this. She had to find Mira and apologize—before she lost the most important person in her life.

Lyka (whispering to herself, tearfully):
"I didn't mean it, Mira... I didn't mean it."

Determined to make things right, Lyka rushed out of the dorm, searching the academy grounds. As she passed through the bustling courtyards, students moved aside, whispering as they saw the Crown Princess running by with a distressed expression. But Lyka didn't care what anyone thought—she needed to find Mira.

Scene 3: The Reconciliation

Lyka finally found Mira sitting alone in the academy's secluded garden, which was tucked away behind the school. The garden was usually a peaceful place, filled with blooming flowers and tall trees, but today, it felt heavy with sadness.

Lyka hesitated for a moment as she saw Mira sitting on a stone bench, staring off into the distance, her face marked with hurt. Gathering her courage, Lyka slowly approached, her heart pounding.

Lyka (softly, voice filled with remorse):
"Mira... I'm so sorry."

Mira didn't turn to look at her. Her voice was quiet, but filled with the weight of her emotions.

Mira (sadly, hurt):
"I've always treated you like my little sister, Lyka. I've been by your side through everything because I care about you. But today... you made me feel like nothing. Like I'm just your maid."

Lyka's heart clenched at those words. She moved closer, sitting beside Mira on the bench, her hands shaking slightly as she spoke.

Lyka (softly, guilt-ridden):
"You're not just a maid, Mira. You've always been more than that to me... You're my family. I was angry and stressed, and I said something horrible, but I didn't mean it."

Mira finally turned to face Lyka, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Mira (softly, searching Lyka's face):
"Do you really mean that?"

Lyka (with all her heart):
"Of course I do. You've been like a big sister to me, Mira. No, you are my big sister. I don't know what I'd do without you. Please... forgive me."

There was a long, tense silence as Mira looked into Lyka's eyes, searching for the sincerity in her words. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mira let out a soft, shaky breath.

Mira (smiling faintly through her tears):
"You're such an idiot, Lyka. Of course I forgive you. You'll always be my little sister, no matter what."

Relief washed over Lyka, and before she knew it, she had thrown her arms around Mira, hugging her tightly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she clung to the person she had almost pushed away.

Lyka (tearfully, relieved):
"I'm so sorry, Mira. I'm so, so sorry."

Mira smiled through her own tears, gently stroking Lyka's hair as she held her close.

Mira (gently, soothing):
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. But you have to stop carrying all this weight by yourself, Lyka. You don't have to do everything alone."

Lyka (nodding against Mira's shoulder):
"I promise. I won't. Not anymore."

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, letting the tension and hurt slowly melt away. The academy garden was quiet around them, the trees swaying gently in the breeze as the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky. For that moment, everything felt right again.

In that peaceful garden, it wasn't a princess and her maid—it was two sisters, their bond stronger than ever.

End of Chapter 42

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