Chapter 7: "Light in the Shadows"

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Scene 1: Lyka's Determination

The morning sun rises over the Academy, casting a soft glow over the quiet grounds. But inside Lyka's heart, there's nothing calm about the day. After the heartbreak of the previous day, something has shifted inside her. She won't let it end like this—not without understanding why. Her eyes burn with determination as she storms through the halls, her mind set on one thing: confronting Elara.

In the distance, Auron and Darius watch silently from the far end of the field. They had seen Lyka cry, they had seen her break—but now, they see her strength. Neither moves to stop her.

Auron (quietly):
"She's not going to give up."

Darius (crossing his arms, watching):
"No, she won't. This is what makes her different."

Lyka marches past groups of students, their snickers and laughter echoing in her ears. The nobles whisper and point as she pushes through them, but she pays them no mind. She has one goal: to speak to Elara.

Noble Boy (mocking):
"Look at her, chasing after a noble again. Can't she take a hint?"

Lyka ignores the taunts, her pace quickening as she catches sight of Elara near the edge of the school field, beneath the large, ancient tree where they had once sat together. Her heart races as she calls out.

Lyka (shouting, desperate):
"Elara! Please—just talk to me!"

Elara stops, her shoulders tense. She had been trying to avoid Lyka all morning, her mind consumed by the weight of what her father had said. But now, hearing Lyka's voice, she can't run anymore. Tears well in her eyes, but she doesn't turn around. She can't bear to face her.

Elara (softly, almost pleading):
"Lyka... don't make this harder than it already is."

But Lyka isn't deterred. She walks closer, her heart pounding with every step. She stops just a few feet behind Elara, her voice trembling but filled with determination.

Lyka (firmly):
"I need to know, Elara. Why are you pushing me away? What changed?"

Scene 2: The Truth Revealed

For a long moment, the only sound is the rustle of the wind through the leaves of the old tree. Then, Elara slowly turns to face Lyka, her eyes filled with tears. She tries to keep her composure, but the pain is too much. The truth she had been holding back spills out.

Elara (tearfully):
"My father... he said if I didn't stop being friends with you, he would ruin your life, Lyka. He'd destroy your family, your future. All because—because you're a commoner."

Lyka's heart clenches, her breath catching in her throat. She had suspected something like this, but hearing it from Elara's own lips makes it all the more painful.

Lyka (softly, confused):
"But... why? Why does he hate me so much? I thought we were friends..."

Elara wipes at her tears, her voice breaking as she speaks.

Elara (broken):
"It's not you, Lyka. It's what you represent. My father... he's never forgiven the commoners for what happened to my mother."

Lyka's eyes widen in shock, and Elara continues, her voice shaky as she explains the painful truth.

Elara (whispering):
"My mother was killed by a mob of commoners years ago. They... they thought nobles were to blame for their suffering, so they took their anger out on her. Ever since then, my father has despised them—despised anyone who isn't noble. He thinks... he thinks being around you will bring the same danger into my life. That's why he wants me to stay away."

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