Chapter 28: Tears of Reunion

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Scene 1: A Tearful Reunion

The sun was beginning to set as the group finally reached the Lusitania palace. The long journey home had been quiet, each step filled with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Auron and Darius walked side by side, their hearts heavy with the weight of everything they had gone through. Behind them, Alex carried Lyka on his back, her small frame resting against him, too weak to walk on her own after the intense battle.

When they entered the palace gates, they were greeted by none other than Elara, who had been anxiously awaiting their return. The moment she saw them, her eyes widened, filling with tears. She ran toward them, her voice cracking with emotion.

Elara (shouting, voice trembling):
"Auron! Darius!"

Auron and Darius stopped in their tracks, turning just in time to see Elara rushing toward them. Without a word, she threw her arms around them both, pulling them into a tight embrace. The dam of emotions finally broke as all three of them hugged each other tightly, their tears mixing with words they had been holding back for so long.

Elara (crying, voice shaking):
"I was so worried! I thought I'd never see you again! I... I thought you were lost forever..."

Darius, who rarely showed his emotions so openly, hugged her back just as tightly, his own tears falling silently down his face.

Darius (softly, his voice full of regret):
"I'm sorry, Elara... for everything. We didn't mean for it to go this far."

Auron, though quieter, let out a shaky breath, his voice breaking as he spoke.

Auron (whispering, guilt-ridden):
"I... I thought I was alone. I thought I lost you all..."

Elara shook her head, pulling back slightly to look at both of them, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and sadness.

Elara (firmly, through tears):
"You're not alone. We're here. We've always been here."

The three of them stood there, holding onto each other, their tears a testament to the pain and love they had shared and the healing that would begin. It was a bittersweet reunion, but it was one that finally gave them hope for the future.

Scene 2: A Return to the Palace

Inside the palace, the mood was still tense. Lyka, barely able to keep her eyes open, was carried through the grand halls by Alex, her head resting against his shoulder. Mira had been pacing anxiously in her chamber, unable to sit still ever since she heard that Lyka had returned.

When Alex finally entered the room, Mira rushed forward, her heart pounding as she saw Lyka, pale and weak, in his arms. Without a word, she pulled Lyka from Alex's back and into a tight hug, her own emotions overflowing.

Mira (shaking, her voice filled with worry):
"Lyka, you idiot! Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

Lyka, despite her exhaustion, managed a small smile as she looked up at Mira, her voice soft but affectionate.

Lyka (whispering, playfully):
"Sorry, big sis... I didn't mean to make you worry."

Mira let out a tearful laugh, hugging Lyka even tighter, her own tears finally falling.

Mira (sniffling):
"You always do this! Running off and doing dangerous things without telling anyone... You know I can't lose you."

Lyka rested her head against Mira's shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment, the weight of everything finally catching up to her. But she was home now, and she was safe—for now.

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