Chapter 23: A Crowned Soul with Shadows

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Scene 1: A Scientific Princess

The morning light filtered through the grand windows of Lyka Nirvalen's chamber, casting soft beams over the elegantly furnished room. But amidst the royal decor, something unusual stood out—Lyka's entire room now hummed with energy. The walls were lined with strange devices, wires coiled in neat patterns, and a soft glow emanated from lamps that required no flame.

Lyka had spent days working on it, using her knowledge of science from her past life as Lyka Chiba to create something new in this magical world. And now, her chamber was powered by electricity—something no one had seen before in the kingdom of Lusitania.

Mira entered the room, her eyes widening as she saw Lyka tinkering with a strange metal device on her desk. A soft, continuous hum filled the air, coming from a small-scale nuclear power plant Lyka had somehow built to power the entire room.

Mira (stunned, bewildered):
"Lyka... what in the world is all this?"

Lyka turned, a proud smile on her face as she waved her hand toward the powered lamps and other devices.

Lyka (grinning, excited):
"It's electricity, Mira! I made it using... well, it's a little complicated. But it's a way to power things without magic. Back in my old life, I studied how to create energy like this. I thought I'd try it out here."

Mira blinked, trying to process the idea of creating energy without magic. She walked around the room, inspecting the wires and glowing devices. She shook her head in disbelief.

Mira (half-laughing, half-incredulous):
"Only you, Lyka, would come up with something so... bizarre. So, what? You don't even need magic for this?"

Lyka (chuckling):
"Nope! It's all powered by science."

As they spoke, Alex entered the room, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the strange devices lining the walls. He looked at Lyka, confused but intrigued.

Alex (curiously):
"What exactly are you building here, Your High—I mean, Lyka?"

Lyka stood up, picking up a sleek, modified staff from her desk. It had undergone a drastic transformation from its original design—now compact, resembling more of a handgun than a traditional staff.

Lyka (smiling, showing off the invention):
"It's my new weapon. I took what I knew about firearms from my old life and combined it with magic. This little thing can store magic energy and release it in controlled blasts. It'll help me control the flow of my power, especially when I use the six-layered magic circle."

Alex stared at the device, his mouth slightly open in awe.

Alex (impressed):
"A weapon powered by your magic... Lyka, this is... incredible."

Lyka (playfully):
"Not too bad, right? I'm still working out the kinks, but it should help me control my magic better without draining myself too much."

Just as Lyka was explaining, the door opened again, and King Elric and Queen Alicia entered the room. They both paused, eyes widening as they took in the sight of their daughter's modified chamber, powered by an unfamiliar energy source.

King Elric (surprised, but smiling):
"Lyka... what is all this? It looks like you've turned your room into... well, something beyond anything we've ever seen."

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