Chapter 40: A Moment of Peace

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Scene 1: A Stroll through the Gardens

The sun shone warmly over the Royal Magic Academy, casting a soft glow across the courtyard. Lyka and Mira walked side by side through the academy's vast gardens, the peaceful scenery a welcome escape from the chaos they had faced just days before. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sound of birds chirping in the distance created a serene atmosphere.

Lyka had been quiet, her thoughts drifting to Alex and everything that had happened. But today, she just wanted to enjoy some time with Mira. She glanced over at her, watching as Mira admired the flowers, her expression calm and content.

Mira (softly, smiling):
"You know, Lyka, these gardens are beautiful. I don't think I've had the chance to appreciate them until now."

Lyka smiled, though her eyes still carried a trace of sadness. She tugged gently at the edge of her silver hair, twirling a strand between her fingers.

Lyka (quietly, thoughtful):
"Yeah... I guess I never really stopped to look at them either."

They continued walking, their footsteps soft on the stone path. As they reached a small fountain, Mira stopped and sat down on the edge of it, motioning for Lyka to join her. The gentle sound of water trickling from the fountain seemed to wash away the lingering tension.

Mira (playfully):
"Come on, little mage. Don't be so gloomy. Today's about relaxing, remember?"

Lyka couldn't help but laugh at Mira's words. She sat down beside her, glancing up at the clear sky.

Lyka (softly, with a small smile):
"You're right. I guess I've just been thinking too much lately."

Mira gently bumped her shoulder against Lyka's, offering her a teasing smile.

Mira (warmly, teasing):
"Well, that's what you have me for. I'll make sure you don't get lost in that big brain of yours."

Lyka laughed again, this time more freely. She turned to Mira, her eyes softening as she spoke from the heart.

Lyka (gratefully):
"Thanks, Mira. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Mira's teasing demeanor softened, and she looked at Lyka with genuine affection.

Mira (gently, with a loving smile):
"You'll never have to find out, Lyka. I'll always be here, no matter what."

Scene 2: A Sweet Gesture

They stayed by the fountain for a while, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. After some time, Mira stood up, stretching her arms above her head.

Mira (teasing, stretching):
"Alright, enough sitting around. Let's do something fun!"

Lyka looked up at her, confused but curious.

Lyka (amused):
"Fun? What did you have in mind?"

Mira's eyes sparkled with excitement as she reached into the small satchel she had brought along. She pulled out a small pouch of coins and held it up proudly.

Mira (grinning):
"How about a little shopping? There's a festival in the city today, and I hear they've got some great food stalls. What do you say?"

Lyka's eyes lit up, the thought of spending a carefree day at the festival with Mira chasing away the last of her worries.

Lyka (enthusiastically):
"That sounds amazing! Let's go!"

Scene 3: A Day at the Festival

The festival was lively, with bright banners hanging from every stall and the streets filled with people laughing and enjoying the day. Lyka and Mira wandered through the market, stopping at various stalls to admire the trinkets, clothing, and food. The smell of grilled meat and sweet pastries filled the air, making Lyka's stomach growl.

Lyka (grinning, excited):
"Let's get something to eat! I'm starving."

Mira laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Mira (playfully):
"You always have room for food, don't you?"

They stopped at a nearby food stall, where the vendor was selling freshly made skewers of grilled meat. Lyka ordered a couple for them, her face lighting up as she took her first bite.

Lyka (mumbling through a mouthful):
"This is sooo good."

Mira took a bite of her own skewer, nodding in agreement.

Mira (teasing):
"You're like a little kid when it comes to food, you know that?"

Lyka pouted playfully, sticking her tongue out at Mira before finishing the rest of her skewer. They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering through the festival, laughing together as they played games and tasted different treats from the stalls. It was a rare moment of peace for Lyka, and she cherished every second of it.

Scene 4: A Moment of Reflection

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Lyka and Mira found themselves at the top of a small hill overlooking the festival. The sounds of laughter and music drifted up from below, but up here, it was peaceful and quiet.

Lyka sat down on the grass, pulling her knees up to her chest as she looked out over the city. Mira sat down beside her, the two of them watching as the sky slowly darkened into shades of pink and orange.

Lyka (softly, with a sigh):
"It's nice, isn't it? Just... being able to forget about everything for a while."

Mira nodded, her expression soft as she gazed at the sunset.

Mira (gently):
"Yeah, it is. You deserve this, Lyka. After everything, you need to take care of yourself too."

Lyka looked down at her hands, her heart heavy but grateful for Mira's words. She had been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, but today, she had been able to set that weight down—if only for a little while.

Lyka (quietly):
"Thank you, Mira. For everything."

Mira reached out, gently placing her hand over Lyka's.

Mira (with a soft smile):
"You don't have to thank me, little sis. That's what family is for."

Lyka smiled, her heart warming at the word "family." She leaned her head against Mira's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Lyka (whispering, content):
"I'm really lucky to have you."

Mira smiled, placing a gentle kiss on Lyka's forehead.

Mira (softly):
"And I'm lucky to have you too, Lyka."

As they sat there, watching the sun disappear behind the horizon, Lyka realized that no matter what happened next—no matter what challenges lay ahead—she wouldn't have to face them alone. With Mira by her side, she felt like she could take on anything.

End of Chapter 40

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