Chapter 3: Whispers in the Halls

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Scene 1: The Return Home

The warm glow of the evening sun illuminates the small cottage as Lyka runs up the hill, her heart bursting with excitement. The trees sway gently in the wind, and birds flutter overhead as she approaches the familiar wooden door.

Home. No matter what happened at the Academy, this place would always be her sanctuary. A world far removed from the whispers and stares of nobles. Here, Lyka wasn't judged by her mana, but by the love that surrounded her.

Lyka bursts through the door, her eyes bright with excitement.

Lyka (calling out):
"Mother! Father! I'm home! You won't believe what happened!"

Her mother, Sera, looks up from her work at the kitchen table, while her father, Baren, sets down his hammer after mending the old fireplace. Both of them rush toward her, sensing the excitement in her voice.

Sera (smiling):
"What is it, dear? You look like you've run a mile with that smile on your face."

Lyka spins around, beaming with pride.

"I won! I won the Academy's magic test, against two nobles—Elara and Darius! Auron and I teamed up, and I... I used a double-layered magic circle!"

Sera's smile falters for a moment, replaced with concern. Baren furrows his brow, his hand resting on his chin.

Baren (cautiously):
"Double-layered magic, Lyka? That's not just any spell... that's advanced. Are you sure it's wise to show your full hand so soon?"

Lyka (confused, but still smiling):
"But Father, I had to! It was the only way we could win. They were so powerful, and... I had to prove I belong there."

Sera places a hand on Lyka's cheek, her expression soft but worried.

Sera (gently):
"We're so proud of you, Lyka. But you know how nobles can be. They might not take kindly to being outdone by a commoner, especially one as talented as you."

Baren (sighing, but smiling):
"Your mother's right. You've shown them what you can do, and that might put a target on your back. Just... be careful."

Lyka feels a pang of unease, but quickly pushes it aside.

Lyka (reassuringly):
"I'll be fine. Auron's there, and Elara and Darius... they'll understand. I know they will."

Sera and Baren exchange a glance but then smile warmly at their daughter.

Sera (lovingly):
"Well, let's celebrate tonight. You've earned it, my little magician."

The family sits down for dinner, the warmth of the fire casting a cozy glow over the room. They laugh, talk, and share stories, but Lyka can't help but think of the Academy, the nobles, and what tomorrow might bring.

Scene 2: The Next Morning

The next morning, as Lyka walks to school, the atmosphere has changed. The halls of the Academy are filled with whispers—her name travels from ear to ear like a secret no one can stop discussing.

Lyka had expected the stares, but she hadn't anticipated the weight of them. Everywhere she went, eyes followed her, whispers accompanied her steps. The story of the commoner girl who had bested two of the Academy's most talented nobles was spreading like wildfire.

As she walks through the gates, she hears snippets of conversations from the other students.

Noble Boy 1 (whispering):
"There's no way she did that on her own. She had to have cheated."

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