❗️Changes I Have Made❗️

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Author Note: (11. October 2024)
Hello! I have written more for this story. And for it to fit this next first part the way I wanted it to, I've had to make a few changes to it. So If you are a have read this book before this date then I hope you either reread the first part, or at least read over the short list below of what the changes are, before continuing. If you're reading for the first time after this date it should be fine to just keep going.

I've written a Part Two and are working on Part Three for this story. These changes are mostly just important for Part 3 though. Not sure when I will get around to posting that, I still have to write all I have in mind for it.

- Jason and the team are not people Ethan knew before the apocalypse after all. They rather just met Jason and a group he was travelling with, and they are not soldiers, just normal people. The two groups join together and then later they find the safe place they end up at. (Not to myself: I need to come up with a name for the places they are.) I still want the Camile jealousy thing when they arrive there, so she will still know Ethan from before.

- Parker is 3 years old in the beginning. (I'm not sure if this is a very important change.)
It's just that Part Three will most likely start from three years after the apocalypse started, and I want him to still be very young. (I don't have a lot of kids around me, so I'm not sure what ages are suitable for how he is in my mind.)

- Ethan's family isn't in 'Greenland' like I originally wrote. I'm gonna try and make something up. I don't know geography so well, so I shouldn't use real places because of the distances they travel and what it's like in some places I want them to travel. I want them to travel across countries without it taking years. Instead of researching like crazy and struggle to make it work to fit a real place, I'll just make up the world their in I guess.

(I wrote down this list before I went back to make the changes. And when I was editing those things, I did it quickly, because my mind is currently past this part, so there could still be some things I've overlooked that I should edit but I don't think so. But if so, the changes are listed up here at least.)

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