Chapter One. Mornings with the Devil.

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"Hello, Dominick. You look beautiful this morning, dearest bitch of a daughter." My step-father slurred. You might think that was a harsh greeting, but at least this time he didn't get a boner when he saw me. He raised a bloody hand up to his face and scratched his scraggly brown beard in a way that once looked thoughtful.

Now it just looked creepy.

"Hello, dad." I hated calling him that, but it was easier to force the words from my throat than fight back against him. Keeping my gaze on the floor, I walked around the unidentifiable shattered objects to the refridgerator and opened the door. My stomach automatically growled at the sight of food.

I could feel His' eyes on me, but I refused to look back. I was going to have breakfest come Hell or high water.

I finally settled on the only thing that looked appetizing which was a fruit cup I closed the refridgerator door and went over to the draws beside the sink and got a fork before setting at the table next to Him.

I had just opened the lid off of the fruit and stabbed a blessed strawberry when he snatched the fork away from me. Swallowing the anger and fury that had almost got me killed a thousand times, I simply stared at my step-father as he played with the fork, keeping his eyes on my chest.

I could literally feel him undressing me, and I was powerless to stop it.

"How much do you want it?" He asked in a drunken slurr. His beady green eyes focused in the direction of my face for a moment before continuing his perverted staring.

"Want what?" I questioned without thinking, earning me a swift slap across the face. It stung but not as much as it used to.

"Your strawberry, stupid whore!" He shouted in my face, effectivley blowing the smell of beer across my sensitive nose.

Suprisingly, I found myself holding back a laugh.

How do I get out of a situation like this?

Tell him that I want it, and have to pay for it....


Tell him that I don't, and get slapped around before school....

Tough decisions, tough decisions.....

Instead, I decided to change the subject.

"Where's mom?" I asked, looking around the kitchen suprised not to find her in here yet yelling at me.

"She's still asleep... I think." My stepfather managed to say before passing out on the kitchen table.

Huh. He passed out faster this time.

I smiled to myself, realizing that I could finish my fruit in peace now. I walked over to the silverware draw again and got another fork before diving into my breakfest, one delicious strawberry, orange, water melon piece at a time.


Sorry, guys. I know it's kinda short, but I have every intention of uploading like a mad woman now that I have the time.


With Love,


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