Chapter Nineteen. Win the War.

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Okay, guys.

Here it is!!! :)


Chapter Nineteen. Win the War.



More blood.


The moon rose high in the sky and the stars were not shining.

Not tonight, at least.

The powerful roars of the werewolves echoed in the valley while the growls of the demons shook the ground beneath me.

Something about this didn't feel right.

The decapitated head of a werewolf flew passed my face, spraying blood along my cheek and nearly hit me across the shoulder breaking my thoughts.

Looking to the side, I saw James standing over the body of a tan wolf, a sadistic smile on his face .Walking closer to him, I heard Malcolm roar and charge a group of werewolves.

“I guess dogs don’t have nine lives.” He smirked, his razor sharp teeth spotted with blood.

I grimaced. “Guess not.”

“I thought the Fae were supposed to be a peaceful race that didn’t get involved in wars?” I questioned, kicking the head away from me and watching the war play out. More werewolves were falling, but I was only looking for one.

“We normally don’t, but since the weres’ are determined to wipe out your people, and given the fact that I like you, I can’t let them do that, so I fight for you and with you.” James said, fisting his right hand over his heart.

I smiled, and felt truly touched, but something still plagued my mind. I felt like I was in pain, but I wasn't hurt.

A furious and guttural howl drew my attention away from James, and I turned around to see Viktor and Arian tangled in each others arms, slicing away at each other.

Viktor grabbed Arian by his fur and slung him at me, a grimace on his face as blood poured from his chest.

I felt his head collide with my chest, and was knocked onto my back, a silent snarl on my face. Flipping back up onto my feet, I locked gazes with Arian’s golden eyes and growled in my throat.

Viktor bowed to me and said,"He's all yours, Princess," and ran off to fight another werewolf the color of chocolate.

Arian shook his massive head, his black fur glinting blue in the moon light, and stomped his paw on the ground.

Pulling my eyes back to Arian, I growled. Snapping my teeth at him, I noticed he was leaning on his left side and blood was pouring out from under his stomach in rivers.

He was hurt.


I watched in sick fascinated horror as  Arian's blood ran over his fur and his beautiful golden eyes turned dull right before mine.

Running over to him, Arian fell over and shifted sluggishly into human form. Seeing him bare chested was a shock, but the deep gash below his belly button was even worse.

It was slash marks from Viktors claws.

Arian dropped his head back on the grass and the moon glinted off his now dark blue eyes.

"I am sorry." He said quietly. "This was never suppose to happen."

"It's okay." I said, trying to pull him off of the ground and shifted his weight over my shoulders. He wasn't heavy. He was just bulky. "Things just happen."

"No. Don't move me." He said, fighting against me. The howl of a werewolf nearby startled me, but it was quickly cut short. I didn't want to think why.

"We have to get you out of here. You need to heal and in order for that to happen, you need to rest." I said calmly, lifiting him. He still smelled like apple cinnamon, but this time, it was tainted with the sharp tange of copper.

"Nika, I'm not going to heal from this one."

Arian groaned and the sound brought tears to my eyes.

"Your Highness!" Shouted Malcolm from behind me,"We need to move!"

Turning my gaze to him, I noticed that his blue skin was covered in blood and his left eye was beginning to swell.

"No. I can't leave without him." Suddenly, the idea of leaving at all didn't make any sense.

Looking at Arian, I couldn't help the loan tear that rolled down my face.

He was so pale..

"I never meant to hurt you." I said, my voice breaking.

"Your Highness!" Malcolm shouted louder as he marched over to me and pulled on my arm. "We must go NOW. They are bringing in renforcements." He insisted.

"I'm not leaving him!" I shouted, turning my red eyes to Malcolm.

"They will kill you if you stay here, Princess." Malcolm seethed, his white teeth stark against his black lips.

"Then I shall die on the battefield with someone I love." I said quietly, realizing that I believe what I said.

"You shall die a fool." Malcolm spat, loosing all formality before turning and running.

Raising his hand up to my face, Arian's hand was warm as he brushed his fingers across my cheek.

"You need to leave me. They will kill you when they find you." Arian said, his voice strained in anguish.

"I don't plan on going anywhere." I said quietly, pulling him further away from the battlefield.

A werewolf tried to block my path but I simply stared at him and growled.

He moved.

We had made it about five feet before Arian stopped.

Falling to his knees, Arian looked so broken and vulnerable.

He just kept bleeding.

"So you plan to watch me die?" He asked, brokenly.

"You're not going to die." I said tearfully, denying any negative thought.

"Listen to me. Ya bUdu vsegdA lyubIt' tebyA, Nika..." He said quietly in Russian. "VsegdA..."

I didn't understand a single thing he was saying. He kept repeating it over and over until I was saying it back to him.

Lookind around the valley, I saw hundreds of bodies, both werewolf and demon.

Senseless violence.

Unneccessary death.

Hopeless loss.

That is all I saw now. I didn't see the honor in my army.

I didn't see the pride or the loyalty or any symbolisium of dignity.

I saw death.

"I love you, Arian." I whispered, holding his hand in mine.

He didn't reply.

The sky was dark and the overwhleming sense of loss was potent in the air. As was the smell of brimestone and fire.

"Dear, child."

I didn't have to turn around to know who was standing there. Somehow, I just knew.

"Hi, Dad."

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