Chapter Seven. Once In A Blue Moon.

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I ran as fast and as hard as I could to the steps of the school before stopping mid-strid.

"Mother of all things Holy!" I shouted, tempted to stomp my foot on the cement. Hugging my arms to my body, I shivered as the cold January air coated around my body and sunk deep into my skin. I had forgotten my stupid jacket. With my money in it. 

And the note.

That I didn't read.

With Mr.Hart.

You are on fire today, love. What else are you going to do?  I thought, cursing myself as I continued to walk up the stairs. I shouldn't have spoken to him. I shouldn't have let him sit with me. I shouldn't have even looked at him. I need to blend in with the crowd and at least try to be normal. Normal people don't have crushes on their teachers. Normal people don't struggle to survive in their homes everyday. Normal people are loved, protected, and cared for.

I may not have all that, but I can pretend that I do.

So you would rather be a liar then open, and honest with somebody who might understand you? My voice asked, scornfully.

Might. Exactly. There is no guarantee. There is no promise of understanding. I snapped, walking through the doors of the school, and heading down the right hallway towards my locker. It was still early, so no one was at school yet.

Fake. My voice seethed and I pictured bared teeth and snarling.

 You see it as being fake. I see it as protecting myself. I replied, spinning the combination on my locker. Opening it up, I froze.

 Inside of my locker, hanging on the hooks at the top, was my jacket.

Looking down the hallway on both sides of me, no one was there. Feeling shaky, I grabbed my jacket, and my books for first period. Rushing down the hallway, I ducked into my first period and practically ran to my seat in the back of the room.  

Silently praying, I slipped my hand into one of my pockets, and pulled it back out when there was nothing in it.  Placing my hand in the other pocket, panic started to set in. It wasn't there. Looking in my jean pockets, I came so close to hyperventilation.

It wasn't there either.

Which meant that Mr. Hart had it.

Jumping up from my seat, I walked as calmly as I could to the door of the classroom, and was about to step out when the bell rang. Students began pushing me out of the way in order to get to class without being counted as late. Having no other option, I returned to my seat.

Why can't you ask to go to Mr. Hart's class right now? My voice asked.

Because he has a class, remember? He's a teacher. I said, with restrained anger.

I wasn't mad at him. Honestly. I was mad because he invaded my personal space, and I didn't care. I was mad because he was just trying to help. I was mad because it didn't bother me that he might know about my life.

Point being, I was mad at myself.

For the next three periods, I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings. Before I knew what was happening, it was lunch time and James was walking down the hallway beside me chattering on about Connor and how he is so excited about their date tonight.

"Where do you think he will take me? I imagine it might be the beach, or something really romantic." James rattled, looping his arm through mine.

"Am I ever going to meet him?" I questioned, looking around the hallway for Mr. Hart.

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