Chapter Three. Blue Roses

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As I got my books out of my locker and walked down the hallway to my last period of the day, all anyone was talking about was Mr. Hart.

"Well?" McKayla asked me loudly.  I looked at her and noticed that she had a bright blue flower pinned in her black hair.

I touched it and said," I like it. Definitely suits you." She looked at me in confusion, stopping in the middle of the hallway by her locker. Spinning her combination, realization dawned on her face.

"Not me, Dom. Mr.Hart." She said slowly, pronouncing each syllable. McKayla took her books out of her locker as well and closed the door, before resuming our walking.

"Oh... What about him?" I said cautiously. Remembering the way his dark blue eyes looked unnerved me. It was like his was saying "I see your soul" with his gaze, but at the same time, I felt like losing myself in them... Like I could trust him.

Oh, Gah. My voice scoffed/gagged. You sound like the pathetic girl Haylie says you are.

"Come on, Dom. Weren't you listening to a thing I was saying?" McKayla snapped at me, waiting for the answer she knew was coming. We had to split apart for a moment because some body building football player wallced right down the middle of the hallway, pushing people who got in his way.

"No." I said meekly, returning to McKaylas' side.  You were thinking about dark, blue eyes.

"Urghh. Figures." She growled, looking sad.

"Oh, come on now. You know I love you." I said smiling at her. Her cheeks darkened red.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." McKayla grumbled, waving her manicured hand in my face. I let it slide because her sad face was now replaced with a small smile. I kept walked wearing my own small smile.

"What class are you going to?" McKayla asked me, knowingly. The one drawbacks about having a best friend is that you share everything with each other. EVERYTHING. Including class schedules.

"You know who." I snapped, clutching my Life Skills book closer to my body, as though it would somehow go away, and I didn't have to take the class but my luck isn't that great.

"You're right. I do know. Mr. Hart-throbs class." McKayla said, just as dreamy as James, who was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly the crowded hallway got quiet, and then was filled with whispers.

"Oh, my God. He's here!"

"He's coming."

"Lord, I want a piece of him."

Looking at the other end of the hallway, I saw the entire senior class part like the Red Sea and Mr. Hart saunter down the middle of it.  Really, I thought to myself as Mr. Hart smiled at a group of girls and they dissolved into a giggling mess on the floor. They don't even know him. Not the first thing.

Neither do you. My voice butted in.

McKayla looked like she was about to pass out when Mr.Hart stopped in front of us. I actually put one hand on her back to make sure she was steady on her feet.

"Hello." Mr. Hart said, sounding very smug with himself. He even added a smirk.

Arrogant bastard.

"Hello." I replied, refusing to smile back but I did make eye contact. Something inside me pulled wanting to be closer to him. Hard.

"H-h-hey." McKayla said breathlessly. Mr. Hart glanced at her for a moment before settling those damn eyes on me again. He lifted his hand to my Life Skills book, and easily plucked it out of my grasp. I could feel the stares from all around me as Mr. Hart opened my book, and began to flip through the pages, before looking at me again.

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