Chapter Sixteen. The Council.

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Okay, here it is! :)


Chapter Sixteen. The Council.

 Arians P.O.V!





Running through the woods, my paws dug into the Earth and the scent of dirt and musk filled my senses as I pushed my muscles to run faster over the terrain.

Raising my eyes to the moon, I felt a tugging from somewhere in my chest.

Where are you, Arian? I heard Nika’s sweet voice whisper in my mind over the thundering of my blood and beating heart.

I yearned to reply, but telepathy requires a bond that I had yet to form with her, and I couldn’t just run off and see her.

Instead, I was forced to attend the meeting called on short notice by the Werewolf Council.

But this was no regular meeting. The Elders had been summoned.

I don’t even know why they want me here. They never listen to what I have to say in the first place.

Running to the clearing which was used solely for the purpose of these meetings, I was not shocked to see that I was the last wolf to arrive.

“Where have you been, Arian?” My fathers’ voice growled from across the massive bond fire.

“Nowhere.  Everywhere. Anywhere but here.” I drawled, looking him in the eye.

I was getting bigger than him, I noticed, seeing my eye level was higher than last time.

“Obviously.” Micheal, Dad’s Beta, snapped glaring at me.

Narrowing my eyes on him, I simply stared.

He looked away first.


No pun intended.

“So why was this meeting called again?” I asked to no one in particular.

“There has been a significant rise in demonic power tonight and it has been tracked to this location.” One of dad’s pack members said.

“And that’s reason enough to gather the Elders?” I asked, gesturing to the 12 oldest werewolves in the pack.

“This rise of demonic power will result in Armageddon.” Este, the oldest Elder, said, her deep voice echoing around in the open sky.

Shouts broke out among the pack and suggestions of war were thrown up.

“Well, how was this powered conjured?” An unseen pack member asked, louder than all others.

“The Daughter of Lucifer has combined herself with her demon.” Dad answered looking around the fire.

I froze. Nika…

More shouts erupted.

“The demons are on the rise to take their Queen back with them to the gates of Hell and have already claimed the lives of 14 werewolves.” Dad said his voice grave.

“Tomorrow at sunset, we are at war.”

All were silent.

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