Chapter Nine. Apples to Apples.

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Hi peoples! :)

I want to thank everyone that commented on my story and fanned! You have no idea how much I needed that right now. You guys are truly my inspiration and motivation to continue writing! OH! One more thing!!! I dedicate this chapter to two people. My cutest friend Emily, who is the reason I actually started wring this story, and my friend Josh for reading it :) Sooooo..... With that being said, Let's begin!

Chapter Nine. Apples to Apples

Viktor left shortly after that, leaving me and Mr. Hart- I mean Arian- alone in the classroom. Slowly, as though not to frighten me, Arian turned to face me, and I was once again struck by how he looked. Not just by how handsome he was, but by the sadness and fierceness in his eyes and posture.

MINE. My voice thought.

You really need to stop calling me "Your voice."

And what do you suppose I am to call you? I questioned.

I don't know. Something cool.Your other half. Your hidden side. Your inner demon. Something other than "My voice". Makes me sound creepy.

I guess that's understandable. I thought slowly, wondering if I had lost my mind. 

How about Cam? Short for Cambion.

Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion, I agreed. What is up with the pleasant conversation all of a sudden? I asked.

And of course, I am ignored.

"Dominick..." Arian trailed off, opulling me out of my thoughts. I focused on him, and the red haze slowly vanished from my eyes, although the hatred remained strong.

"Yes?" I asked, not moving any closer to him. I was still angry at Viktor and I didn't trust myself not to snap at any moment.  

"We need to talk." Arian stated, looking lost. Seeing him this way, looking so strong and vulnerable, made something protective surge within me, and I was again struck with another fierce wave of hatred for my cousin. But Arian was right. There was alot I needed to explain, and alot he had to answer for.

"You're right. We do." I agreed, nodding my head slowly.


"Wait a minute! I didn't agree to this!" I whispered to Arian as quietly as I could.

"Too bad!" He whispered back, tightening his arms around my body. After I agreed to talk with him, he scooped me up in his arms and took me to the nurses office. He told them that I had fainted, and he was going to take me home since he was my neighbor, but he wanted to make sure that I was okay before doing so.

They, of course, didn't have a problem letting him take me away because they were too busy staring at him. Arian could have told them he was going to kill me, and they wouldn't have batted an eyelash. They didn't even examine me!

"Alrighty then. Just be careful." The young brunette nurse said to Arian and smiling in what I'm assuming was a seductive way. I personally thought she looked like she was sucking on a lemon, but that's just me.

"That snow looks cold." She continued, throwing her hair over her shoulder, and staring up at Arian.

That has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Although, the more she flirted with Arian, the more I wanted to rip her face in half. Since I was standing beside him, I swayed on my feet, and almost laughed when I felt his arm wrap securely around my shoulders.

Damn.... Apple cinnamon.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his accent rumbling as he blew hot air across my face. Smiling to myself, I feigned a sick look.

"I just want to go home..." I mumbled sadly, putting one hand on his chest and curling myself protectivly against his side, eveloping myself in apple cinnamon.

"Okay. We're leaving now." Arian said, keeping his arm around me. Walking out of the nurses office, I looked up at him.

"If you are taking me "home", who is teaching your class?" I asked, curious.

Arian paused.

" I knew I was forgetting something." He cursed under his breath.

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