Heart Halo

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  • Dedicated to Abused Children

Let me start off by saying, this story is different from my others.

 Night Shadows and Ash Cross are written for fun. This one has an actual purpose. Child Abuse is real and it's painful. It affects so many children every day and thousands every year. Read this story not because the title is cool, or because it's by me. But because of those millions of kids who suffer everyday for me to know their pain.

Sincerely to you, this story is written.

Thank You.~

As my alarm clock screamed at me to wake up, I cramped my head under my pillow and pressed it against my ears, blocking out the assulting noise.

When the beeping finally stopped, I peered out from under my blue pillow and squinted at the clock. It was 6:30 in the morning! School is three blocks away and starts at 8, but since He said I had to be out of the house by 7, I think I'll get ready.

I clamered out of my oh-so comfortable bed and walked to my bathroom and stared at the person looking back at me.

Blonde hair famed a face with cheekbones too high and lips to full.

Golden eyes on the verge on red looked tired and frustrated.  They were usually a more brownish color, but they have a mind of their own.

Sighing, I turned around and climbed into my shower.

The warm water was shortly enjoyed.

The crashing and yelling down stairs told me everything I needed to know. I hurriedly put shapoo and conditioner in my hair and as quickly as safely possible, I shaved my legs. I turned the water off and jumped out of the shower. I put on a regular pair of jeans and a light blue fitted shirt . I trotted over to the mirror and blow dried my hair.

I combed it and pulled my blonde hair back into a tight ponytail but even then the tip brushed my lower back. I put on mascara and lip gloss before wiping it off. I like the mascara because it darkens the redness of my eyes, but the lip gloss makes my lips look waxy. Fake.

The yelling had finally stopped, and I wanted breakfast. I flashed down the stairs and around the broken plates and pictures before another object could go flying across the room. But before I could step foot in the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks.

There on the countertop were three objects.

The usual empty Jack Daniels bottle.

The unexpected handgun.

And my very drunk step-dad.


Heart Halo ( Student / Teacher Romance )Where stories live. Discover now