Chapter Seventeen. Prepare An Army.

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Okay, here it is. :)

Hope you guys love it.

Enjoy :)

Chapter Seventeen. Prepare An Army.

Morning, Sleepy Head. Cam said, her voice sounding far away.

Jerking away, I sat up and blinked at my surroundings.

What the hell...?

I was in a black bed...that wasn't mine.

I was in clothes way too big... that weren't mine.

I was in a house that wasn't mine.

And I remembered nothing.

What the hell is going on?

Squinting at the sunset shining through the window, I looked at the clock on the simple night stand.  8: 46 p.m.

Throwing the covers back from me, I swung my legs out of the comfortable bed, and rose unsteadily to my feet and stretched.

Yawning, I sniffed the air and smelled the unmistakable scent of eggs.

And bacon.

Instantly my mouth started to water at the thought of actual food. Carefully walking to the closed door, I turned the knob and the wonderous scent became stronger, almost lifting me off my feet, and I was  ready to float down the stairs.

Sliding out one foot into the hallway, I looked left and right before stepping out completely, closing the door behind me.

Nearly slobbering, I begin the slow descent down the stairs, constantly looking for anyone.

Well duh, there's people. Who's cooking the food? Cam asked, sarcastically.

Shut. Up.

Turning the corner, into the kitchen, I froze on the spot.

There was a table with four chairs, two of which were occupied. A police officer sat at one end, a boy sat at the other and a woman was at the stove, cooking the breakfast.

Tilting her head, the woman turned around, and I was faced with beautiful green eyes and a perky nose.

"Oh look. You're up. Good Morning, Dom." She said brightly in her sing-song voice, tucking one lock of black hair behind her ear.

Her pointed ear.

I felt my eyes widen and the words stuttered out of my mouth.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Daniels."


James looked up from his breakfast, and jumped across the room, wrapping me in an air tight hug.

"Oh my God! You're alive! You were out for a solid day! I thought you died! What is wrong with you?! Why would you do that to me?! You're alive! " He shouted, setting me back on my feet.

"So it would seem." I said dryly, catching my breath.

He smiled and laughed.

I tried to ignore his pointy teeth.

"Would somebody be so kind as to tell me what is going on?" I asked, looking at the three set of greens eyes staring at me.

I don't like the Fae. Cam said, and I pictured her wrinking her nose.

You don't like anyone, I reminded her.

Mrs. Daniels looked at James and he nodded his head, his smile fading.

"Last night, my dad got a call of a gun shot being fired at your house. Needless to say he had to go." He started off, gesturing to his dad, who tipped his head respectively to me.

"When he got there, your mother was in the front yard screaming and yelling about how you're the Devils daughter, you're possessed, and that you attacked her husband."

James' dad snorted, and said," I highly doubted that because she kept waving a knife with, what I knew, had to have your blood on it."

"Anyway," James cut in, shooting his dad a look he didn't see," Everlyn said that you had taken off and said that you would be back to finish the job."

"I found you a mile into the woods behind your house, covered in blood and half your head missing. I thought you were dead, but I checked for a pulse anyway. And amazingly, you were still alive, and breathing." Mr. Daniels said gravely, raising his gaze up to mine. "I knew immediately who and what you were when you opened your eyes."

Freezing, I locked my eyes on his face, and searched for negative emotion that might lead him to.. Oh, I don't know... carve my heart out. I found nothing but respect and admiration.

"What happened to my mother?" I didn't care about Dave. He can fall off a cliff and drown in a river. But my mother... despite what she said, every mother loves their child. Even if it makes them hate us.

"After I found you, I went back to tell your mother, and I was stopped by a man who said he was family...I think he said he was Viktor-"

"Did someone mention my name?" I heard his voice before I actually saw him.

Spinning around to face him, I looked at my cousin and was surprised to see him in a simple white T-shirt and jeans. He tossed his head, flicking his blonde hair out of his face, and locked his ice blue eyes with my golden ones.

Opening his arms wide and grinning broadly, he said," Come here."

Raising an eyebrow at him, I planted my feet and crossed my arms.

Rolling his eyes, Viktor sighed." Oh, come on. That's not how you treat family."

"Like you have room to lecture me on family manners." I snapped, sneering at him.

"Oh, bah. You're not still mad about the whole 'leave him or he dies' are you? I was just doing what I was told. His Majesty wishes you home, and I was told to deliever you to him by any means necessary before the war starts."

I looked at him in shock. "What war?"

Viktor sighed again, grabbed my hand and, despite my protests, pulled me out of the front door and I came face to face with 100 or more demons standing in the front yard.


"What is this?" I asked, my voice sounding small to my ears.

"This is your army, Princess." Viktor said, sweeping his arm.

All of them looked up to me, and bowed, crossing their forearm across their chest and dropped to one knee, including Viktor.

James and his parents stood behind me, and they, too, kneeled and bowed their heads.

"Tonight, the Werewolves plan to attack against us, and kill you in battle. We are hear to protect you and offer our lives to do so." One demon said, standing up.

He was blue, with black swirls across his skin, and he had black horns.

"Attack?" I squeaked, looking from Viktor to the demon.

"Yes, attack. Because of your strength, you can restore order to our realm, and ultimately become our Queen." The demon continued, his black eyes unnerving.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked, confused.

"For us, yes. For them, no. The werewolves do not want us to be 'controlled chaos'...they want us to be completely inialated."

"Well, I'm sure that if we just talked to them about this, they would understand." I said,trying to find an exit.

"How? By talking to your boyfriend?" Viktor sneered, standing up to match my height.

Narrowing my gaze on him, I snapped," Yes, as a matter of fact."

Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet began to shake, and animalistic roars of absolute rage filled the air.

"Princess, guess who's leading the attack?"

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