Chapter Four. Chest Pains.

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Hey People.

This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends. He was the inspiration for this story and I could not have completed this chapter without him.

Love You Always!

And a little heads up.

This chapter is VERY GRAPHIC! Like to the extreme 20th power!

Proceed with that in mind....


It's Thursday. My voice informed me. Get up.

My eyes snapped open and focused on the white ceiling, looking the same every day, but this time I simply stared at it. Glancing on my night stand, my alarm clock showed 2:18 am. The numbers didn't make sense. The moonlight through the windows didn't make sense. The silence didn't make sense.

Nothing made sense.

I tried to sit up, and bit back a scream as pain vibrated through every part of my body. I was bruised. Badly. By the strength it took to breath, I'd say that I broke about three ribs.Maybe four. But another thing gave me a pause. Something new...

My body felt cool and unprotected.

Looking down at it, I froze.

I was naked.

And blood was all over my sheets.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I forced myself up into a sitting position and almost cried when I saw that most of the blood was from neat cuts on the inside of my thighs.

Dave, you bastard. You slimy, disgusting, son of a bitch. My voice snarled.

"Dear God, no. Please, please, please, please, no..." I mumbled, blinking at the blood. Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I screamed and collapsed to the floor as unimaginable agony tore through me. The pain was coming from inside of me, and I couldn't stop it.

I cried into the carpet, until my throat was raw, and every sob racked pain through my body. Looking up at my bathroom through my hair, I realised that I need to get clean.

I felt so dirty and violated.

I couldn't stand on my own, so I raised myself to my hands and knees. When the pain subsided, I slowly began to crawl to the bathroom, pain following me every second on the way. Crawling inside the dark bathroom, I looked up and realized I had to stand on my knees in order to reach the light switch.

Inch by inch, I moved my arms back to my body, placing my hands on my thighs.  I lowered my butt until in rested on my ankles, and in a measured pace, I began to move my hands up my body using my battered flesh as a type of latter. When I got to my breasts, I slowly began to move my right arm away from by body toward the light switch.

I flicked it.

Over head of me, my bathroom lights came on. Letting out an agonizing breath, I shifted my body until it was all the way across the threshold, and shut the door, forgetting about the full lenght mirror on the back of it.

I barely bit back another scream as I focused on the figure in the mirror. There was no way this girl could be me. But as I looked closer, I noticed similarities.

Although her mouth was coated in a smear of blood, she had the same full lips as me.

Her hair was matted to her head, dried blood in some parts, but it was the same color as mine.

Her eyes were the same color as mine.

Her nose was the same shape as mine.

Tears filled my eyes as I noticed how broken the girl in the mirror looked. How broken I looked.

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