Chapter Twenty. Devil's Precious Daughter.

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I couldn't turn around to face him. It wasn't like he had changed at all.

When the scent of brimstone became to strong to ignore, my eyes wondered upward, finally seeing his face.

He was young, I suppose, looking around twenty-five, but we all know he is much older than that. He had blond hair and an angelic face. His only flaw was his black eyes, which marked his for what he really was.


So many stories have be wrote about him, some claiming him to be a nice person, other saying he should have our sympathy.

But I know the true story. He was once an angel, in Heaven with the Lord, but he fell from Grace out of jealousy, taking over half of the angels with him. He was pure evil, and I had the honor, the privilege, of being his precious daughter.

"Hello, my child. It had been to long." His voice was as dark, having almost a comforting tone to it. .But I couldn't be deceived. He was evil.

And so was I.

"Eighteen years? Yeah, I'd say that's pretty long." I snapped, reverting my eyes back to Arian's body. Lucifer followed my eyes and sneered in disgust.

"And what dog is this?" He said, kicking Arian in the side. I growled and snapped my fist out against his leg, stopping it before it could make contact with Arian.

"Ah. Okay. He is your pet?" Lucifer asked. I let go of him as his skin started to burn me.

"He is not a pet." I said quietly, brushing Arian's black hair away from his face.

"Oh. Oh, I see. He is your mate." Lucifer said with realization. "It seems to me that you have ran into a little bit of a problem. I think he is dead."

"Really now? What gave that away? The lack of heart beat, or the not breathing?" I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"Or the lack of a soul." Lucifer said indifferently.

I growled at him, and he tsked at me. "Now, now. Don't be like that. When you growl, you are no more than a rabid demon. Have some discrepancy about who you are, child." Lucifer said, patting my head.

I pushed his hand away, ignoring the burning sensation in my hand. Looking up at him, I noticed he had a particular look on his face.

"What?" I said, standing up to where we can be eye-level.

"I have his soul, if you want it." Lucifer said, his black eyes focusing on me.

"And just what do I have to do in return?" I asked. Because there was always a catch. Always.

"Nothing. Except never fight against me. You don't have to fight for me, but you can not fight against me. Blood against blood never turns out well for anyone." He stated, running a hand through his blond hair.

"That's it?" I said, shocked he didn't ask for my arm and leg.

"That's it." Lucifer nodded.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but I couldn't tell if he was lying.

So I said, "Deal."

Lucifer snapped his fingers, and Arian jerked, drawing in a deep breath he let out with a cough. Falling to my knees down beside of him, I laid my hands on his face as he coughed and struggled to get up.

His dark blue eyes instantly flashed to mine and I had never been more grateful to see anything in my entire life.

"How?" Arian croaked, looking around himself.

"That doesn't matter." I said, smiling at him. I turned around to face Lucifer, but he was gone with only a small trace of brimstone left behind.

Arian sniffed the air, and I could tell he smelled it.

"What did you do?" Arian said, his eyes sharping on me.

"I made a deal. Your soul, in turn for me to never fight against him." I said tentatively

"Never fight against him?! Do you realize what you have done?! You know that he is going to raise an army, right? And if you were fighting, he would never have a chance of winning." Arian snapped, struggiling to his feet.

"And when that day comes, I will teach what I know. There are ways to make a werewolf faster, a vampire stronger, the Fae immune to iron." I said, not even worried in the slightest.

"You knew this before hand, didn't you?" Arian asked, his body blocking out any distractions.

I nodded, and laid a hand on his chest.

"We will be ready." I said surely.

Arian grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine, and turned to the battlefield.

There were several dead, but hardly any were from my side of the fight. Some werewolves were alive, along with my demons.

Looking at each other, they simply dropped their weapons and looked to me and Arian.

"The fighting is done." I said quietly, looking out at their faces.

Surprisingly, no one disagreed.

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