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The people applaud and I try my best not to turn back and look at the elder King with surprise. What was that last part to my title? The Uniter of Ember? What the Hell did that mean? Once the applause has died down, I turn elegantly to place the staff and ball back on the pillow and look up at the elder King. He smiles down at me; he is just as I remember. Long black straight hair down to his lower back, a young face, apparently people in Ember don't age past a certain point. Long fangs adorn his mouth, and his eyes are the same ruby red as Jin's. His pointed ears are adorned with many piercings as well and tucked underneath his hair. He wears his crown on his head, a crown made of black obsidian thorns that stick straight up and down with a gleaming ruby in the middle. The elder King takes the pillow and sets it to the side as Jin steps down and offers his arm. I slip my arm into his and he leads me down the long pathway out of the throne room. People begin to applaud us again as we walk. We are followed by the other royals and slowly make our way to the ballroom where the real party can begin. 

Its decorated just as I hoped. There are midnight blue tapestries hanging and tables filled with many various foods and drinks. There is even a fountain on one table that is pouring champagne throughout it. Black lilies adorn the walls with red and blue satin sashes hanging from them and in the very back of the room is where we will sit. Jin takes me to the table in the back, our seats are the two biggest in the middle. He holds out my chair for me and I tuck my large skirt in underneath my bottom to be able to sit as he pushes me towards the table. He sits beside me, and we have to hold face as people file in the room. 

He looks at me from the corner of his eyes and smiles, "you did beautifully Ella. I'm so proud of you," he says. 

"I hope our people are proud too," I tell him, and he smiles wider at that. I hope I am a good Queen to our people. 

People begin to file in. Nobility comes in first and the Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses take their seats at the long table along side us. After the nobility are in, the commoners and guardsmen begin to file in. Even children are able to attend and it makes my heart happy. I am even more excited to see my wolves, dragon and Shadow Dog coming in to sit behind me elegantly. They make me proud too. 

From what I understand about this party, its more for the people than for me. I am to sit for the most of it, but Jin did promise we could dance together at some point. I am to make conversation with other nobles and learn who they are and where they hail from. I am to be poised throughout the affair as nobles and commoners alike will stroll up to the table to be graced by my presence. I can stand and walk around a few times with Jin but for the most part, I am to remain seated. 

Music begins to play softly as the room fills with people. There are already some dancing and eating. The servants bring plates and drinks to the nobility. When a servant sets a plate in front of me with sparkling juice, I turn to thank him. He smiles warmly at me and sets off to serve the others. 

Various people come up to the table throughout the festivities. Even children are sweet enough to come up to the table. Most of the people bow and curtsy as they address me, and I smile at them. It's hard for me to act this regal, I want everyone to call me Luna instead of your majesty or your royal highness. But Jin told me I have to do this a certain way. 

I don't break face. I want to make him proud. We are carrying on with eating when two common children come up to the table. A small girl with a pink gown and blonde hair smiles at me as she holds a white Callalily in her small hands. A little boy is with her in a dashing green suit and has the same blonde hair as her.

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