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It's been a month and a half since Lyre and Kai literally showed up on my doorstep and they are fitting in nicely. The maids all swoon over Kai and think he is incredibly handsome, especially Coralie. But Kai hates the attention and always growls and walks away from them all, so he doesn't break my rule about disrespecting my staff. Roc has been showing Lyre how to perform his duties as a Royal Guard and they have become fast friends. Roc even trusts Lyre to guard me alone in small bursts, much to Jin's disapproval. But Lyre has been a perfect Guard and watches me like a hawk. Well like a dragon. A mother dragon with the clumsiest baby dragon in the world. I am a mess sometimes. 

Kai has fit in nicely with his Sorcerer duties and has helped quite a few problems around here with magic. The drought that has been affecting the Demon Territory has been solved by a spell from him. And the repairs on a Lycan village due to rampant floods was fixed in mere hours rather than months. It saves the troops on manpower and supplies needed to get the villages rebuilt. Any time there is a natural disaster or something that can be fixed with magic, Kai is called, and Kai fixes it. 

The Kings have been recruiting new soldiers in their territories for the upcoming war. I am not allowed to leave the castle, being so far along in my pregnancy. But the Kings take turns going to the territories of their people. I mostly stay at the castle and do paperwork or see to visitors. I still make decisions for those in need and the Kings trust me to do it on my own, but being able to see my Kingdom would be lovely. 

Jin and the other Kings have warmed up to Kai and Lyre. I wouldn't call them friends, but I wouldn't call them enemies anymore either. They have learned to just tolerate each other for the most part. Jin still gets insanely jealous when they're around me. Especially Lyre. I had told him he was my first lover and was completely honest with him and I think he thinks I will always have a soft spot in my heart for him. And he might be right, but I don't want anyone other than my husband. That I know for a fact.

Today, Jin is set to leave with Kai, Roc and Pan. I am down in the castle grounds waiting for them with Lyre beside of me. It takes me a while to get anywhere now. Lyre has to help me with most things. Carrying twins makes my belly look like it's about to explode. The maids are all excited about it. I'm dreading finding out what birth is like. So, I try not to think about it too much.

I turn to the entrance when I see them all come out. Jin is in his battle armor. It's black obsidian with the insignia of a bat in flight with its teeth out in the middle of the chest plate. Kai is in his usual black shirt and black pants and cloak around his shoulders. He has a staff strapped to his back with a giant stone in the middle of it to let others know that he is a Sorcerer. Roc is in his usual get up and Pan wears armor similar to his own. Except his cape is gold rather than red or green, telling everyone he is the King of Neverland.

I smile as they approach me and Jin bends down to kiss my lips with his. I smile up at him. "Are you ready? Do you have everything needed?" I ask him.

"Ella baby, I will only be gone for a day at the most. The Vampire Territory is only a little distance away. Just promise me you won't go into labor until I return," he says worriedly.

"I don't know if I can promise that darling, but I'll do my best," I say with a halfhearted smile. I'm worried about going into labor while he is gone too.

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