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I have slipped into motherhood easier than I thought I would. I was given time to recover as the Region was told about the birth of a new Prince and Princess. A party was set for them to be crowned and a reception for their birth. Jin's parents were absolutely elated and couldn't wait to meet their grandchildren. The whole Kingdom couldn't wait to meet them.

Jin slipped into fatherhood easily too. He loves our babies, and I am so thankful to have been with a man who loved them like they were his own. I know Hades and Poseidon would not have loved them like he does. They probably wouldn't have cared for them at all.

He wasn't the only one who adored them. Lyre and Roc, both helped me when I needed it and adored them. The other Kings and Kai wanted to hold them often, especially Pan. Who knew the one with the bad attitude would melt completely for a baby.

My creatures loved them too. In fact, that's where they were right now. My wolves were lying on my giant bed with me and the babies. Ragnarok had gotten as close to Lillith as he could while Cerberus leaned more towards Rue. Susanoo laid between them both, not picking a favorite at all. Bandie was a bit hesitant around them, he must think his giant size could hurt them. Sapphire hasn't seen them yet since I am unable to walk as far as the cave to take them to her, but I will introduce them soon.

Jin stayed with me for a couple of weeks nonstop. He helped as much as he could with them but eventually, he had to continue to rule with my absence and gather troops for the war we are preparing for. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. It was one thing to worry about before they were born. But they're so tiny and fragile, now I have an extra weight on my shoulders to keep them safe and out of harm's way. I know if given the opportunity, Hades and Poseidon would use them against me and possibly kill them just to hurt me.

I worry about the ones who betrayed me in the Light Region too. Vesper, Kirian, Shisui and Adamas have all made an enemy of me and that was a wrong move on their part.

But all I want to worry about now, is adjusting to being a mother along with being a Queen. And adjusting my children to court life. When I look into their sweet faces, I can see their futures. Elegant balls, mischief through the halls of the castle, learning how to wield swords and the history of our nation, becoming a King and Queen themselves. I have such high hopes for them both, but they can do as they wish, as long as they're happy, that's all that matters to me.

It would seem that the babies even have picked their favorites among the court too. As far as my guards go, Lillith prefers Lyre while Rue prefers Roc. The same with the Kings as well. Lillith has Pan and Reverie wrapped around her little fingers while Rue seems to favor Azrael and Luka. But all in all, my children are loved by everyone who graces their presence. Jin said it could be my magic, I say it's because they're so sweet and lovable.

Today was like every other day. The babies awoke in their cribs a few feet away from our bed. Jin grabbed Rue while I grabbed Lillith and I fed them, and he changed them. He kissed us all before he walked out the door to resume his duties as King and Lyre and Roc came inside the room with me. I asked them to watch the babies so I could shower quickly. I am in the bathroom, putting on a clean gown before I put on my formal gown. I brush my hair and put on the first amount of makeup I've had on in weeks. The babies were a month old now and I feel good enough to start getting myself back into the throne room and working again.

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