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- Jin - 

The doctor has come in and checked out Lunella and the babies. He was hesitant to touch her at first, but with many apologies about her behavior earlier and her seeming to be back to her old normal self, the doctor was able to make sure she was ok. The doctor said she had lost too much blood and with this being her first birth, her body didn't know what to do so it went into hyper drive to keep her alive. The doctor said the cold water was just the trick to shock her system back to normal.


I thought she was dying for a moment. I remember being so panicked and yelling at Coralie or Lyre to do something, anything to save her life. That's when Lyre remained calm and threw the water on her.


Smart man, that one. I'll have to remember that in the future.

"So, do they have names yet?" The doctor asks us.

Ella looks up at me and I nod at her, "go ahead. I think after all of that, you deserve to name them both."

She grows a wide smile on her face and looks back at the doctor, "the girl is Lillith Ephyne Siren Galvantis and the boy is Rueberos Lucille Corinthe Galvantis," she says proudly.

"Ah, Prince Rueberos and Princess Lillith. How lovely you both are," the doctor says to them with a smile before collecting his things. "I will not be far should you need me for anything at all your majesties. Now, if you don't let the other Kings and the Sorcerer in here, I am afraid they will explode," he says with a laugh.


Lunella and I laugh at each other. "They can come in," she says.

The doctor nods and goes to open the door. "You all can come in now," he says, and they all run in here as fast as they can.


They all surround the bed to look down at the small infants as they look up at them.


"They're so cute and tiny!" Reverie says as he brings one of his wings to tickle their bellies. The babies make small giggling sounds and then they both sneeze.


"What a lovely Prince and Princess," Luka says with a soft smile.


"So, when are we mailing out invitations for their coronations?" Azrael asks as he pokes Lillith in the cheek softly. She turns and grabs his finger in her tiny hand and a blush creeps across his face.


"What are their names?" Kai asks excitedly.

Pan sniffles and Luna gives him a playful look. "Are you crying Pan?" She asks him and he wipes his eyes on his sleeve.

"No. Fuck off," he whimpers out and Lunella laughs.


I pick up my son...boy, that's new to me and I can't help but smile at the small boy in my arms. He may not be mine by blood, but he is mine in every other way. "This is Prince Rueberos Lucille Corinthe," I tell them.

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