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- Lyre -

We are finally being brought to the Dark Castle. It's been weeks that the soldiers have interrogated me and Kai and kept us away. Once the soldiers found no reason to hold us any longer, they sent word to their commander on next steps to take. The commander sent a message back, saying the Kings have agreed to an audience with us.

They are walking us towards the castle, I can even see the large Gothic structure in the distance. They have me and Kai shackled with magic suppressing shackles and Roksha is tied with chains. I ordered him to behave even though he hates to be chained. I told him it was for Luna, and he instantly calmed. I still think he likes her more than me.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement. The Kings could very well send us back to the Light Region and we would have no chance to find Luna here. She had to be here. We searched the Light Region as we traveled here, to see if we could find her before Vesper, Adamas or Shisui could. We had a days' worth of travel ahead of them, so we scoured the place. We looked through every forest, every village, every city that we could to find her first. We were happy she wasn't found. We wanted her to be here and away from them all.

I am still so enraged at the fact they gave her away so easily. Luna was a person with a life, and they threw her away like she was a commoner. Like she didn't matter. It could be where I am in love with her. It could be where I tried so hard to make a baby Dragon Keeper with her. But I wanted her to live happily, even if it wasn't with me any longer.

If I was able to find her and protect her, even if she didn't love me, it would be enough. Kai felt the same way I did. He was angry at them all, even Vesper. I was shocked he went along with it too. But I suppose after so many battles under his belt, he was tired of fighting.

We arrive at the Castle gate and the guards let us through with no trouble. When we arrive at the front of the castle, I hear a screech of a dragon. I don't know that screech, so I look up and see a large white and blue dragon with her wings spread around the castle. She screeches at us, the newcomers that she doesn't know. She is large too, almost as big as Roksha is.

Roksha sees her and makes clicking noises at her. He must think she's pretty. He doesn't usually make happy clicking sounds like that. The female dragon sees him, and she looks at him curiously as she climbs down from the castle wall to sniff at him. But then I realize something. What the Hell is the Dark Region doing with a dragon in the first place? 

"Hey Lyre. Doesn't that dragon look familiar?" Kai asks me.

I take a closer look at her. I look at the white shiny scales along her body and the dark blue tips on her mouth, feet, wings and tail. But what makes me realize where I have seen her before is the gossamer opaque color of her wings in between the blue. 

"That's...Luna's dragon," I whisper, and Kai looks to me. 

"You don't think?" he starts, and we are drug out of our thoughts by the commander coming to greet us. 

"Alright boys, let's see what we have here," he says as he strolls down the castle steps. He sees Roksha and looks to me. "Dragon Keeper?" he asks. 

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