Bury the bodies

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No one's pov

  The sun was shining over head. Casting its warm glow down on the humans below, at least, all but one. Lynn Accardo a non-human. She stood there, not sure what to do as she watched a certain red head begin burying the bodies inside the mansion.

  He would drag them out, dig a hole, and place them inside. "Lynn, would mind helping me bury these people?" The boy turned his head around a smile that could glow brighter than the sun. Anyone would be lucky to see it.

  But, behind that joyful smile was a danger to others. That is, only if he didn't get the one thing he wanted. Lynn. The dark blue haired female would remain unaware of such desires. However, her innocence of the topic can only be protected for so long. Once one shows up, another will follow, then another, and another, and another.

  How long before Lynn is drowning in the desire of others? How long before she realizes that the voices in her head weren't lying when they screeched 'DANGER!!'

Lynn's pov

  I found a tool that Tanjiro identified to me as a shovel. It made the task of digging and recovering holes in the ground much easier. 'Why must we waste our time?' I wondered. Tanjiro was way too pure for the likes of someone with my background. I was corrupt, my hands soaked in blood from my many murders. It's not as if I had much of a choice though. In this railo, they believed in kindness and something called 'generosity'. In my railo, it was kill or be killed... Hunt or be hunted.

  After the third body a sighed. 'It's just a never ending river of bodies.' Who knew these demons lived to kill so much? A few times I went inside with Tanjiro, he was already in bad shape, so I would kill any of the demons that attempted to attack. They were all fairly weak, even weaker than the demon from our first mission.

  I stared up at the fluffy clouds, before hearing a slight shift behind me. I saw the boy with blue, hair tips. He was laying on the floor, Agatsuam-Kun had begrudgingly given up his oranje-yellow haori. Tanjiro gave up his as well, which was used as a cushion for his head. I was the only one who didn't take mine off. Despite the hot weather. Tanjiro knew of my conservatory habits, and didn't question it when I refused to take my black haori off.

  Urokodaki-San had given it to me. It was meant to be a, "birthday present", he told me. I didn't know what a birthday was, so I couldn't tell him when it was. So, he gave me a knew birthday. It was on the date that we first met.

He gave me this haori as a replacement for my torn coat. I had to admit, it was much easier to move in these clothes that I was given. The demon slayer uniform I received was just baggy enough.

I remembered the shuffling and turned back over. He seemed to be twitching ever so slightly. 'He's waking up.' I panicked slightly at the realization that his swords were only a minor 2 feet away from his head. (Urokodaki taught her what measurements were).

As a bird let out a sweet, loud tweet, the boys eyes opened slowly. Revealing his light green eyes that seemed slightly duller than before. 'Probably from being hit in the head.' I rationalized. He groaned in what seemed to be pain. The sound startled me and prepared myself into a battle stance. Left hand on the sleeve and right hand on the hilt of my katana.

He just stared up at the sky for a few seconds before screaming loudly. 'So loud, it hurts my ears.' He jumped up, still mid scream. The haori's went flying in different directions.

From my left, Atasuam-Kun screamed soon after. "He's awake!" He screeched to anyone who would hear. "Fight me, fight me now!" He charged towards me with his fists balled. He was reckless and uncaring with his steps.

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