Agressive much?

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⚠️ Cursing, maybe a little bit of gore ⚠️

Tanjiro's pov

  "Kiyoshi! Teruko!" I called out to them, pleading for any form of response. "Are you here? Answer me?" I ran over to one of the rooms and flung the door open. "Teruko! Kiyoshi!" A scream came and something was thrown at me. I moved my head to the side and dodged. The scream of a little girl was heard.

  Next, a pot was thrown which I also dodged. And then a green book hit my face while I was distracted with the pot. I fell backwards, stunned.

  The two held more objects in their hands, ready to keep throwing them. They paused and looked shocked upon figuring out who I was. "Sorry Tanjiro," Kiyoshi apologized. "Why are the two of you throwing objects at me?!" I asked them, clutching my forehead. The throbbing pain was really getting to me.

  "We're sorry," the boy said. "The drum we had vanished so we panicked!" I stood up straight, no longer clutching my forehead. "I see," I used a close eyed smile to, hopefully, calm them. "Well don't worry, I'm glad you're safe." Teruko suddenly burst into tears. Covering her eyes with her right arm.

  "You did a good job Teruko." I told her. I pat her head, her black hair was soft and thin. "You too Kiyoshi." He nodded at me. Teruko continued to cry softly, the lighting helped me to see her cheeks going slightly red from the mass of tears.

  "Come one let's go outside." I sat up straight, before crouching, and turning around. "You should hop on," I motioned toward my back. I didn't want Kiyoshi to go walking around with the current state of his leg. He gratefully hopped on and we started our journey through the halls.

  "How's your leg doing?" I asked Kiyoshi, wondering if the medicine had helped any. "Better," he said quickly. "Alright, just hang on a little longer." I told him. He clung onto me tightly. And stuffed his nose into his arm for comfort.

  He looked tired, with small gray circles under his eyes. He smelled of sweat too. His hair was in a desperate need for a combing. Thank goodness we'd get him back to his home soon, he could get his leg treated properly there.

  "I smell Zinetsu, Lynn, and Shoichi's scent, they're close by." I told them. "They are probably outside, seems they are safe-." I paused as the smell of blood wafted through my nose. I scrunched my eyebrows together in concern.

  "What's wrong?" Kiyoshi asked me. I turned my head around and faked a smile. "Nothing," was all I said. "Let's hurry along," I speed up my pass to a fast walk. Poor Teruko had to run a little to keep up. Her little feet making a small taping sound as she walked.

  We exited through the front doors. The light ahead blinded me as we passed through.

Lynn's pov

  I deadpanned at the sight before me. The boar man was still kicking Agatsuma-Kun's shoulder, who was currently clutching Nezuko's box tightly. I would have stopped it by now, but I wanted to see if Agatsuma-Kun had the guts to protect himself. That and I knew that the boar man couldn't do anything to Nezuko, since I would simply kill him if he tried.

  "Take more of this," the boar man shouted, kicking Agatsuma-Kun for what felt like the hundredth time. "Move it!" He was now in a pathetic excuse for a battle stance. His swords were raised in a position that exposed all of his organs. My right eye twitch at just how many imperfections stood before me.

  "Draw out your blade and fight me!" He was loud, and obnoxious. In the corner hiding behind a tree Shoichi was crying slightly. He was clearly not used to seeing such a character. I had seen it many times before, and these specific individuals, often times underestimating their opponents, leading to their deaths.

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