Chapter Ten

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We spent the entire day together laughing, singing, and just being happy. I haven't been this happy in a very long time. Craig kept my phone the entire time. He offered to give it back, but I wouldn't take it.

We bought some clothes, some shoes, matching jackets; because we're cute like that, and a few other things. I got my nails done because they were in pretty bad shape from my nervousness.

We started going to different shops at twelve-thirty and left around eight. It was a very eventful day, but I needed it more than the world.

"Let's get something to eat, I'm starving," Craig says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Good idea," I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck.

"So do the fans ever get on your nerves?" Craig asks, "I mean, we ran into quite a few and I felt bad because I wanted to spend my time with you."

"You're fine," I say with a smile, "I used to deal with it a lot when I was with Ronnie. I'm kinda used to it."

"Well you're mine now," He says, helping me back onto the motorcycle and then getting on himself.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way." I wrap my arms around his waist and we drive off.

Of course, Craig decides to take me somewhere expensive. I would've been happy with just takeout food, but this is pretty nice. I mean, who doesn't like Olive Garden?

"So, how are you feeling, Julie?" Craig asks.

"Uh, good I guess. How are you feeling?" I take my eyes off my menu and glare at him.

"No, I mean are you okay with all of this?" He puts his menu down and looks at me from across the table.

Okay with all of what?

"Yeah, I guess," I say awkwardly.

Craig rolls his eyes sarcastically, "Stop saying 'I guess.' Look Julie, I really like you. I've wanted this for the longest time. I guess my question is, do you want this?"

Well of course I want this. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I left Ronnie for a reason and I'm glad I did. Craig makes me happier than I have ever been. He's just so perfect to me.

"Of course I do. Honestly, I love you Craig. I don't know how I didn't see it before. We've got a lot of years to make up," I say with a smile.

"Okay, now I feel better," he laughs.

Dinner was nice. We both had some form of pasta and a salad. The bill wasn't even bad. I tried grabbing the check, but of course Craig beat me to it. I'll get him next time.

As we're walking out of the restaurant Craig's phone rings, causing me to flinch and search my purse. Then I remembered he had my phone.

His conversation seems to be pretty serious, so I just stand there awkwardly and wait for him.

"Alright, thanks man. I'll be there in less than an hour," Craig says, hanging up the phone.

"So what's up?" I ask casually.

"I had one of Max's old friends from high school fix up my car. He's already done, so I was thinking we could go pick it up if that's alright with you," he says, walking me back to the motorcycle.

"That's fine with me. Remember I'm the one following you around, you can do whatever you want to," I laugh. "But wait, what about the motorcycle?"

"Well you can just drive it home-"

"Oh hell no," I interrupt him, "I can't drive one of these things. Why can't I drive your car?" I ask with a smirk.

Craig flinches at the thought of me driving his car. "Oh hell no to you too," he laughs, "That car is my baby and I just got it fixed."

"So you would rather let me drive off a cliff on a bike rather than in a car?" I roll my eyes and nudge him.

"I'd be fine with that bike going off a cliff, but not my car."

"What about me!?" I punch his shoulder and laugh.

"Why do you bully me, Juliet?" He just laughs with me. "Don't worry, I'll show you what to do. You're not driving my baby just yet."

I'm probably losing my mind, because I actually found myself sitting on that evil contraption, listening to Craig's instructions. Maybe he's crazy too, being that he's about to let me kill us both. All of this seems really confusing but the main thing I really need to know is gas and break, which I think I understand.

"Okay, are you ready?" Craig asks kissing my cheek.

"Are you ready to die?" I give him a sarcastic look.

"That depends, am I dying a painful death?" He clings to me.

"Hold on and we'll find out," I say speeding away.

I pull out onto the highway and speed off to the shop Craig's car is being held at. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of this thing, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm already almost there and we're not dead, so that's a good start.

After twenty minutes of terrifying Craig with my terrible driving, we finally get to the shop. To top it all off, I break too hard once we finally get there and almost fly off the thing.

"I think I might change my mind about you driving that thing," Craig says, quickly getting off.

"It's starting to grow on me actually." I take Craig's hand and we walk into the dark warehouse.

It all seemed too easy. Craig paid the mechanic and he gave him the keys, that was it. The mechanic seemed pretty happy about it. He was young and obviously very talented. The mechanic had beautiful eyes, like a cats.

That's when reality hit me like a bus.


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