Chapter Twenty Three

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For the rest of the afternoon we spent most of our time preparing for the concert. Craig seemed a lot happier, so everyone else perked up.

This was all completely new to me, so I tried following Allison and Victoria pretty closely. The venue was also familiar to everyone, so I felt like a fish out of water. The tour bus was very nice though, so I enjoyed hanging out there until the show started.

"Can I dye your hair pink?" I lean over Craig as he gets himself ready for the show.

"Um, no," he laughs and pushes me away.

He looks like a different person when he's show ready, it's almost unreal how gorgeous he is.

"Okay, what about purple? Or maybe blue, that would be really interesting," I watch his every move. It seems like he can apply makeup a lot better than me, so I feel a little jealous.

"I hate to break it to you, but I think I'm fine with my hair color as it is."

"I'm so jealous of you," I stand close to him and look at the both of us in the bathroom mirror.

"Is it the hair? It's always the hair," he teases.

"Your face is perfection," I stare at him for a long time, "If you ever get any facial tattoos, I'm going to have to kill you."

All of the guys looked so perfect by the time we headed to the venue, it was almost unreal. Well, all except for Robert, he always looks the same.

"Wanna race?" Bryan throws me a single key as we leave the tour bus.

"I'm sorry?" I give him a confused look.

"Girls on one cart, guys on the other. Allison and Victoria don't enjoy driving these things, so that's why I'm challenging you," he gestures to the multiple golf carts stationed in the parking lot.

"What? We're actually having a race with someone other than Robert?" Max nudges me.

Allison and Victoria already chose their seats, so I guess I had no choice.

"Alright, our goal is to make it backstage before you do. Try not to run over any security or fans while you're at it, okay?" Bryan throws the second key to Craig, I think we all know who will win.

"Oh and if anyone asks, you're my cousin from Africa. I can't be in a public relationship until the end of this tour, I'll explain more later. Are you ready to lose?" Craig gives me a competitive look.

"Wait, if you're from Africa, then why are you white?" Allison laughs and nudges me.

"I guess we'll catch you later, princesses," Robert shouts as they speed past us.

I speed off after them, "Not today."

I had no idea where I was going after we passed them, so I tried my best to listen to Victoria's directions. Along the way we got some strange looks from fans and security guards; the one's that didn't get in our way.

The carts weren't too fast, but they still moved at a high speed. It seemed like forever until we got to the area we needed to be at, but we finally got there. I didn't see the band since we left the parking lot though, so I wondered what was taking them so long. We parked the golf cart behind a couple of other carts and followed a few security guards to the gate.

You wouldn't believe how big it was behind the scenes of the venue. It was hard to believe we were behind the same stage, but somehow we were. It was a lot bigger than I had pictured, but that's how most stages are.

"I thought you would never show," Max greets us along with the rest of the guys while we were exploring. I could of sworn I was ahead, how did they beat us?

Robert approaches us with a skinny blonde boy at his side. The guy looks way too excited to be here, "Ladies, this is Bryan Stars. He wanted to do an interview with you three."

"Why us? We're just the girlfriends," Allison says backing up a little.

"Actually, the one in the middle is my cousin," Craig interrupts, glaring at Allison.

"Fans are asking for us to do interviews with people close to the band to make things a little more personal. So while they're doing their thing, I'll be interviewing you three. As for the cousin, this will be an experience." Bryan says eagerly.

"Yeah, she's from Africa, so she's not used to this kind of lifestyle," Craig lies.

"Africa huh? You must have an interesting name. What is it?" Bryan has an uncomfortable vibe.

"Kevin-" I blurt out the first name that pops into my head. Seriously, that was the best I could come up with?

Craig gives me a look, "My aunt and uncle were expecting a boy."

Nice way to save my ass, Craig.

"Kevin Mabbitt, huh? I guess it's a pleasure to meet you Kevin."

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