Chapter Thirteen

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"Go away," I complain, not even willing to open my eyes.

It's the next morning and the questions have already started. "But I just want to know!" Robert pleads.

I roll over and snuggle close to Craig. I don't know when he got here, so he's probably tired.

"Do you ever sleep, dude?" Craig mumbles.

After an hour of trying to block out Robert's questions, I give in. "Fine, meet me in the kitchen," I say, getting up.

Robert rushes down to the kitchen.

"Thanks, babe," Craig mumbles. I kiss his forehead and make my way down to the kitchen.

Nice, Max is here too.

They all eagerly rush to me when I enter the kitchen. "Woah! It is true!" Max shouts.

I roll my eyes and make myself a cup of coffee. "You all suck. I got no sleep because of Raisins over here," I gesture to Robert.

"I didn't know you would be here," he protests, "I thought you would be tucked away in bed with Ronnie, not Craig."

"Story time!" They both shout.

I take a seat on one of the barstools, "Ronnie cheated on me, so I left."

"But Craig? I would of never expected you two to end up together. When I dropped you off, I just thought he was helping you out. I didn't know it was a hookup!" Max says, taking a seat next to me.

"Wait, wait, wait. Ronnie cheated on you?" Robert questions.

I shrug, "Yeah, it's all good though. I'm happy."

"So does this mean we have you back?" Max asks excited.

"Yeah, I guess," I laugh.

"You all fucking suck," Craig walks in.

"Dude, we got Julie back!" Max yells.

"She was only gone a few months. I knew she wouldn't be gone very long though," He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I actually thought I wouldn't see you all again. I wasn't planning on any of this," I say.

"Well we're not letting you go anytime soon," Robert says.

"I'll kill him for cheating on you." Max is way too excited.

"Calm down, gentlemen. He regrets it already. You should see all the messages he's been sending," Craig smirks.

"Okay, but can I stab him anyways?" Max asks.

"I'd prefer if we just stayed out of his life." I glare at Max.

"Anyways," Craig changes the subject.

"Wait, does this mean she's going on tour with us?" Robert asks.

"If she wants to, I guess. I don't know if it's the best idea, but then again I don't want to be away from her for that long." He kisses my cheek.

"I'll think about it."

We all just spent the morning talking. It wasn't really how I wanted to spend my morning, but it made Craig happy so I was okay with it.

Craig was leaving with the rest of the band to work on recording, so I had the house to myself.

"I'm leaving your phone just incase you die. If you can do me a favor and not die, that would be great," Craig hands me my phone.

"I'll try not to," I laugh.

"Yeah, that would make me sad. I guess I'll see you in a few hours. I love you, don't die."

I kiss him, "I love you too."

My phone had over a thousand text messages waiting for me. Although not all of them are from Ronnie. I completely forgot about my mother. I'll give her a call.

"Juliet! Why haven't you called?" She sounds angry.

"I'm sorry, mom. I've been really busy lately." Oh boy, here come the questions.

"Ronnie called. He's worried about you, sweetie," She says calmly.

"No, I can't deal with him right now. I'm okay, I just need a break."

"I hope you make the right decision. He's waiting for you." Damn it, Ronnie. Stop sweet talking my mother.

My phone buzzes and I flinch. It's Ryan Seaman.

"Uh, I gotta go mom. I'll call you later. Love you, bye." I hang up before she has the chance to say anything and answer Ryan's call.

Why would he be calling me?

"Hey, what's up?" I answer.

"Hey, Juliet! Do you think you can do a favor for Jacky and I? It's kinda big," he asks.

"That depends. Is it just for you and Jacky?" If Ronnie is involved, I'm out.

"Oh yeah, and Derek."

Sounds a little suspicious. "Alright, what is it?" I ask.

"We need you in a music video. I know you don't want to see Ronnie, but you're one of the best female actors we have available and you won't have to even look at him, I swear," He starts to ramble.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, I can't do it," I cut him off.

"Please, Juliet? We really, really need you."

Well, if it's only a music video and I don't have to see Ronnie, I guess I could do it.

"Fine," I finally say, "Just don't let him get in my way."

"Thank you! We start filming next week, I'll let you know all the details later on."

This is a horrible idea, why did I even say yes? I already know something bad is going to happen.

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