Chapter Forty Three

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When we returned home to Los Angeles, everyone got to work right away on preparing Craig and Ashley's wedding. Time was flying by extremely fast and before we knew it, it was March. Ashley and I became as close as Craig and TJ were throughout all the chaos.

It was the night before the wedding and Craig was coming to our house while I went over to his to be with Ashley. TJ and I loaded both our house and there's with alcohol, we were going to party.

"So you're going to be okay without me?" TJ asks as I pack my bag for the night.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I meet him at the bedroom door and wrap my arms around him. "We'll see each other tomorrow."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he gives me a look.

"Same goes for you," I laugh and return to packing. "Just make sure Craig is happy, okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, we're going to have fun. Same goes for Ashley."

I finished packing and headed back downstairs to help TJ finish setting up for the party. After awhile I said my goodbyes to him and headed out to Craig and Ashley's house to finish setting up.

I let myself into their house and finished setting up before Ashley arrived. Being in this house makes me wonder what Craig every did with our house in Nevada.

Between the alcohol, hot tub, pool, and dance floor, I figured we would be having a lot of fun tonight. On top of that, all of her friends will be there, so I should be able to manage keeping her happy.

"Juliet!" Ashley greets me as I enter the living room.

"Hey, are you excited?" I give her a welcoming hug. There was a group of pretty girls in high heels chatting in a circle. I figured they were the girls from the dress appointment.

"Of course I am!" She laughs, "I'm a little nervous to be honest."

"Well, let's not worry about that right now, it's your last night to party like a princess," I remind her.

"You'll be partying like a queen after tomorrow," a familiar voice from behind butts in.

I turn to face a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and a face of gold. It took me two seconds before I realized who she was.

"Allison?" I ask shakily.

"Juliet," she looks me up and down, "I didn't think I'd see you again."

"How's Max?" I ask. That was honestly the stupidest question I could have asked, but I asked.

"Oh, he's gone," another character joins the scene, "heard he's created his own band."

"Oh, Victoria," I can feel myself shaking as she enters the room.

"What's she's trying to say is we broke up," Allison adds.

"Robert and I are happy if you wanted to know," Victoria obnoxiously says.

"How's TJ?" Allison asks.

"He's fine," I dodge the question.

There was tension between Allison, Victoria, and I, but I tried my best to stay away from them. One day everything will be okay between us, just not today.

I don't understand why they stood up for Craig, but at least he had support. Craig and I have solved our differences though, why can't they?

"Juliet," Ashley grabs my arm and drags me away, "let's go get in the hot tub."

Ashley, a few others, and myself hung out in the hot tub while others hung around the tiki bar.

I knew Allison and Victoria would be at the wedding tomorrow and I didn't quite know what I would say to them to fix everything.

The party lasted all night, but it was great. We laughed, drank, and danced through the night.

The next morning was extremely rushed from the moment we woke up to the moment of Ashley walking down the isle.

It was time for Craig Mabbitt to marry his bride.

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