Chapter Forty Two

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After weeks of debate and arguing, I headed to the airport with TJ and the two bands. Things have changed dramatically throughout the tour. ETF and FIR have learned to become friends and it is insanely scary having the two at one bar. Ashley and I surprisingly became close throughout the month, being that we were the only two girls around.

Ronnie kept his distance from me, although TJ would have a few words to say if he came around. TJ and I were basically attached at the hip throughout the tour other than when he'd go off with the guys to celebrate and I'd go to the salon with Ashley.

TJ and I continuously improve our relationship as time goes on and we're both beyond excited to get married. Craig and Ashley seem to be doing excellent as well, so I'm stoked to attend their wedding coming up soon.

It was the last night of the tour, so we have decided to stay in a resort rather than staying on the tour bus. The last show of the tour has ended in Las Vegas, Nevada and we chose to celebrate at the rooftop lounge. The guys celebrated with drinks at the bar while Ashley and I hung out by the pool.

"So did you enjoy yourself, Juliet?" Ashley asks me.

"Of course I did," I give her a smile. "I'm so glad we had the chance to get to know each other, I never thought I would like you."

She laughs, "I thought the same thing, but here we are."

"How is the wedding planning going?" I ask her.

"Good, except for one thing," she grits her teeth together.

"Oh?" I give her a look.

"We're wanting to have the wedding in March rather than October. Can you still be my bridesmaid?"

"Of course, that's not a problem." I'm glad for Craig and Ashley. I guess they really were meant to be.

"Ashley, Juliet," a voice interrupts.

"Oh hey, Ronnie," Ashley greets the voice.

Ronnie had finally acknowledged my presence throughout the entire tour just to drop off a drink sent by Jacky. He is seriously holding a grudge against me.

After so many drinks, the boys met up with Ashley and I at the pool. Ashley, Craig, TJ, and I hung out in the hot tub while everyone else messed around in the pool. Life was great for all of us and I don't want to ever change a thing.

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Craig draws our attention to the sky.

"You know what else is beautiful?" TJ looks over at me.

"I know I'm beautiful, TJ, you don't have to remind me," Craig grins.

"I was going to say Juliet, but you're beautiful too, Craig," TJ laughs.

"Ladies, ladies, you're all beautiful," Ashley joins in.

"So are you ready for the wedding?" I ask Craig and Ashley.

"Of course," Craig looks over at Ashley. "I can't wait."

"I just hope things are perfect, you know?" Ashley answers.

"Don't worry, it'll be beyond perfect. We're here to help if you need it," TJ offers.

I'm glad that Craig is happy and I will always be glad for him, but a part of me will always be left wondering what the hell even happened during the first Warped Tour. I've always had a hard time getting over devastating breakups for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond happy with TJ, I just have memories with Craig and Ronnie that will haunt me for awhile.

"Babe?" TJ waves his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?" I look around to see everyone starting to leave.

"Are you okay? You kinda blanked out there."

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking." I quickly get out of the hot tub and rush to meet up with the others. back at the bar on the other side of the rooftop lounge.

We drank the night away and celebrated the new friendships between Escape The Fate and Falling In Reverse. Ashley and I celebrated our new friendship as well.

The next step in this crazy lifetime of mine was marriage; first Craig and Ashley's, next mine and TJ's. Craig and Ashley's wedding was quickly approaching and I knew I had to let go of Craig for good.

A lifetime of happiness was awaiting and I was ready for it.

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