Chapter Thirty One

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"Hey Craig," I whisper into the darkness, hoping for an answer.

Ever since I found him I haven't left his side. Robert and Craig basically forced me to continue the tour with them, which I didn't mind too much. I get to be with the person I love again and I wouldn't want it any other way.

It was a little after midnight and everyone on the bus has gone to bed. We slept in these small bunks on the tour bus. There were stacked three on each side of the bus, totaling to twelve beds over all. The back lounge had a luxury couch that seemed to be comfortable to sleep in, but we all stay in our bunks. Craig and I were across from each other in the bunks closest to the floor.

"Yes, Juliet?" He responds quietly.

"I can't sleep," I roll around in my bunk, "I don't feel good."

"Come here," he sighs and moves over.

I roll out of my bunk and across the floor to him. He scooped me up fast and held me close. It felt good to be in his arms again. We stayed that way for a long time, lying there in the silence while the others slept around us. I never fell asleep completely, but Craig was out like a light.

I was close to falling asleep when a loud ding wakes me up. I groan and roll over, to avoid being blinded by Craig's cell phone. After being awoken several times by this unknown caller, I decide to check his phone. I know it's an invasion of privacy, but I couldn't help myself.

20 Unread Messages from Ashley.

Who's Ashley? I scroll through his messages, unaware of how rude my behavior was. I further I read, the sicker I felt. Was his cheating on me? The flirtatious texts spoke for themselves.

I hold the phone against my chest and lye there in silence. It's been over a year, I don't blame him if he did move on. Or maybe I do, but if he did, why am I lying next to him now? My thoughts consume me and I feel myself shaking with anger and fear. I silently set the phone down and crawl back into my own bunk to wallow in my tears.

Wait, I don't have to be here if I don't want to right? I mean, if he's seeing someone else then why am I even here? I don't want to leave, but I don't want to lye here and cry all night with the rest of the band around me.

"Hey Juliet, are you still awake?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah," I wipe away my tears, "who's asking?"

"It's TJ," he leans over the edge of his bunk and laughs at me. TJ is in the bunk above mine and Robert is in the bunk above Craig.

"Oh, hello there," I laugh quietly.

He crawls onto the floor and sits next to my bunk, "you weren't crying, were you?"

"No," I fake a smile, "why do you ask?"

"I thought I heard something, but maybe it was just my imagination," he cocks his head.

I lose it all and break down into tears, "I'm sorry," I apologize.

"Hey, hey, don't apologize for crying, okay? What's going on?"

I told him everything from the day we met, to the day Ronnie came back, to the day we lost each other, up until now. A strange look comes over his face as I bring up the unknown Ashley, maybe he knows more than he's leading on.

"Do you want to go somewhere else and talk about this? I mean, Craig is literally three feet behind me," he asks.

"I guess we could. It's almost one in the morning though, where would we go?"

"I've got the perfect place," his eyes light up in the darkness.

We left the tour bus as quietly as we could with hopes that everyone was asleep. I followed TJ blindly for half an hour as we walked away from the venue. I had no idea where we were going, but it was nice to get out, even if it was during the middle of the night. I naturally clung to his side as we walked and he didn't seem to mind it.

"I'm surprised I didn't hear much about you from Craig or Robert. The first I heard of this famous Juliet was during our show when everyone mobbed you with hugs," he starts a conversation.

"I'm surprised too, all I could talk about when I was away was Craig and Escape The Fate," I feel the sadness boil up inside.

"Hey, it's alright," he wraps an arm around me, "we can figure this out in the morning when he's awake, right now I just want you to have a fantastic night." We walked together for another few minutes in each others arms. Why? I don't know, but it made me feel fantastic.

The bar TJ brought me to was called Twisters and themed like a tiki bar. Oddly enough, there were lots of people hanging out here.

"Oh wait," TJ stops me at the door, "you are over twenty-one right?"

"Whatever," I nudge him as we walk in. It was your average bar environment, but something about it made me feel content. Maybe it was just TJ's company, but I felt great.

TJ escorts me to the lounge area and orders us some drinks, "okay, now that I know more about your situation, tell me about yourself."

"There's really not much to tell about me," I laugh.

"Sure there is," he winks at me.

"Well, I have a song about me," I admit enthusiastically.

"No way," he leans in, "tell me about it."

It's strange to meet someone so interested in the little details of my life, "I thought you already knew? Not good enough for truth-"

"In cliche?" He interrupts me.

"Yeah, pretty cliche, huh?" I laugh. By the look on his face I can already tell what he's thinking.

"Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette," he whispers to me, I can't help but laugh. "Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet," he finishes the lyrics.

"That's me," I roll my eyes.

We talked about this single song for almost an hour, drinking and laughing. I could tell TJ and I were going to get along great.

The whole "Ashley situation" was still bugging me, so I had to ask while I had the opportunity.

"So TJ," I set my drink down and grab his attention, "what can you tell me about this Ashley girl?"

"Oh, I don't know," he sounds uncomfortable.

I take the both of his hands and look at him, "are you sure? It would help me quite a bit if you did know."

"Well, she has a song too," he breathes his words out.

How stupid could I have been? Of course I know the song, it's called "Ashley" after all. So that's who she is? "Oh," I let go of his hands.

"You're sure that's the name you saw on his phone?" He starts to shake.

"I'm positive," I shift over to him and wrap an arm around his shoulder, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he avoids eye contact.

"TJ, who is Ashley?" I finally ask.

"Well she was my girlfriend," he looks down, "I always suspected something though, being that Craig is her ex boyfriend."

So what I'm hearing is my boyfriend and his girlfriend have a thing together? What a great welcome wagon I'm receiving.

"Why don't we just enjoy tonight and deal with this tomorrow?" I slide him another drink.

"This is why I like you," he laughs and gladly accepts the drink.

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