Chapter One - Locked in the Tower.

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Ino sighed and twirled a long strand of hair around her finger. Twisting it around then unravelling repeatedly. After twisting that one strand around her finger about fifty times she let out a huff of boredom and let go of the strand standing up.


She did a large spin in the one spot of the cold marble floor making her long hair wrap around her body. Ino unravelled again her pink dress breaking free.


Ino skipped over to the small window in the small room dragging the length of her hair along. Her bare feet padded on the floor until she reached the window and knelt down. She rested her arms on the edge of the window and exhaled through her nose resting her chin on her arms.


The beautiful view was out for Ino to see day after day. There was always this one tree Ino would look at not so far down from the tall tower she was locked in. A cherry blossom tree.

She had seen the tree bloomed brightly with pink petals the sun shining upon it.

She had seen the petals fall from the tree being brushed by the gentle wind.

She had seen the tree covered in snow the petals nowhere to be seen and the snow sprinkling down.

She had seen the petals slowly come back the snow and ice melting away.


Ino looked down the window at the tall drop. Jumping from there would be instant death. She sighed standing back up brushing her worn out torn dress for dirt.

Ino looked around the room.

The tiny bed shoved in the corner with a dirty blue blanket and thin pillow. The tall mirror with dust brushed on top and black marks around the edge with a slight crack in the corner. The wooden chair in front of a desk with a wobbly leg. The table that had a scratch on it and only a hairbrush. The bookcase filled with novels, romance (her favourite), horror, drama, action, comedy, fantasy, mystery. Shelves and shelves of books, her only entertainment.

But the most precious thing was laying on the table. The hairbrush.

It was a golden hairbrush with black bristles. The one pretty thing Ino had in her possession. It tamed her long locks getting rid of the tangles. One hundred brushes through her hair every day.

Another precious item was a red ribbon wrapped around her wrist. But she didn't want to go into that just yet.

The one wrong thing about her room was there was no door.

Even if there was her torn dirty dress, her pale smudged face, her dirty bare feet- the one thing she kept perfect. Was her hair. The length could be hung out the window and reach right down to the bottom. A side fringe added swept over to the right which covered her right eye.


Ino spun around to the mirror looking at herself. She liked her eyes, they were a full vibrant bright blue.  She skipped over to her bookcase trailing her finger over the spines of each book. Her finger bumping against the different books. She stopped picking out an old one.


Ino sat down on her bed and crossed her legs opening the book. She flipped to her favorite part.
It showed a man in knights armor arrive to the tower on his white steed. He raised his sword and cried "Princess I will rescue you!"

The Princess poked her head out the window "a Prince!"

"Rapunzel throw down your hair!"

The Prince did so tossing out her long blonde hair tied off by a red ribbon. The Knight galloped forwards then caught her hair and began climbing up the tower to save the Princess.

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