Chapter Eleven - The Seven Dwarves.

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Hinata stood outside a cabin deep within the forest, her skirts were tattered and a slice was on her cheek after tripping, slight sting was on her cheek. But here she was, this was definitely the right directions to where Kiba told her his 'seven little friends' were.

The sky was still darkened, Madam might be coming after her, there was a sign at the very small door reading 'no one under 4 feet allowed.' She decided to ignore the sign and knocked on the door, she took two steps back straightening her back to think of an explanation.

The door swung open and a small man was revealed, he looked up at her and frowned "who are you kore?"

"Uh Kiba-kun sent me?" Hinata decided to say.

His eyes widened and then he sighed "come in."

Hinata smiled "thank you." She crouched down to prevent herself from hitting her head off the door and entered, her head dangerously close to the wall when she straightened her back. She noticed six others at the table who stared at her. "Hello." She smiled.

"Who's this?" A man with a bandage along his nose asked.

"My name is Hinata." They were all under four feet she could tell even as they sat, but she had never in her life came across dwarves. "I just need to ask you a favor, my step-mother, the Queen of the destroyed land-"

"I hate her." One of them muttered, "it must suck to have her as a step-mother."

"She sent a huntsman to kill me but it was Kiba-kun so he sent me here. A-and I would just like to stay here, for one night." Hinata asked hopefully, ravens would be all over the place now she couldn't leave or she would no doubt be dead.

"Why does she want you dead?" A dwarf with black round glasses asked.

Hinata sighed "I was talking with a Prince and she saw so it seems to have angered her somewhat and wants my heart now."

"That's a bit much." He muttered.

"I think she can stay!" It was a girl dwarf, she had orange hair in two high bunches, like her hair was defying gravity. "She's really pretty." She smiled "I'm Moegi."

"She might bring trouble." The one with the bandage over his nose stated.

"I don't think so." The one that let her inside said, he had a long blue scarf around his neck then hung over his shoulder "the Queen doesn't know she's here. Right?"

"Right." Hinata nodded.

"Everyone who thinks she can stay raise your hand." He called.

Hinata smiled as five of them raised their hands, outnumbered five to two. "Thank you so much." She bowed her head in gratitude.

"I'm Konohamaru." He stated, the one with the long blue scarf and brown spiked hair.

"I'm Udon." He had glasses and some snot at his nose, she didn't say anything about it though, she didn't want to be rude.

"I'm Kotetsu." He was the one with the bandage over his nose, he had spiky black hair going in all directions. He also didn't raise his hand but he still smiled, they must just be being cautious about her step-mother.

"I'm Izumo." He was the other one who didn't raise his hand, he didn't seem too bothered about it though. He had a black garment over his head like a garment and long brown her, a slight side fringe covering his left eye.

"And I'm Moegi!" She waved from the table.

The one with the glasses, smiled "I'm Ebisu." He pushed up his glasses with two fingers.

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