Chapter Twelve - The Next Queen.

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Sasuke bent forwards politely bowing to another woman who gave her a curtsy, for about half an hour he had just been being introduced to the ladies. At the stairs the woman awaited to be introduced by Gai he cleared his throat then listened in to another woman's ears for their names also collecting their invitations with their names. There was two younger girls being slightly shoved forwards by the old looking lady.

Gai then called "Miss Kin and Miss Tayuya from West of the kingdom!"

The two walked forwards and Sasuke let out a snort only he himself could hear, they looked ridiculous. The red haired one didn't look like she could walk in heels and the black haired one had layers of make-up. But still he bowed to them as the curtsied then shuffled away.

He had been standing in this same spot with Shikamaru by his side for what felt like an eternity, and Sasuke knew his lazy friend was trying hard not to fall asleep on the spot. But Sasuke could tell he was also worried about Neji and Naruto, they hadn't returned yet but they couldn't leave to give aid.

Behind Sasuke sat on two thrones up on a balcony above was his Mother and Father, Fugaku even looked bored, Fugaku could understand why he hadn't picked a girl yet because they all looked ridiculous or were ridiculous. Mikoto kept giving encouraging smiles to him, she was wearing a long purple dress the golden swirls on the skirts. Her simple silver crown perched upon her black curls, to think someone in this ballroom would have to wear it soon. Looking at the array of unappealing women in so far he felt ashamed someone would end up wearing it.

Itachi was in among the crowd of people talking to a man with orange spiked hair, from what Sasuke recalled his name was Yahiko from Naruto's kingdom, Kushina and Minato were of course here, when they asked Sasuke about Naruto's whereabouts he said they were out on a mission. Minato seemed a little weary of what Sasuke said but brushed it off saying to his wife they should enjoy the ball.

There was a problem. He needed to pick a girl here or he would be put in an arranged marriage with Karin, an annoying Princess who rubbed up to him, literally. She was a smart girl clever and interesting- but not his type. If she was to stay with him for the rest of his life that would be troublesome to him. He would have to have little Princes and Princesses with her, he did not like the idea of that.

Sasuke was wearing black fitting trousers with black boots, above he wore a dark blue golden buttoned jacket that had a tailed coat at the back. When he tried to keep his blue garment wrapped around his head his mother threw out it out castle window. The jacket had embroidered blue swirls on it, they were suggesting white but he preferred darker colours on him.

He looked up realizing that that was it, there was no more women to come and greet him.

So where was that woman she met hunting?

He had been looking for the certain pink haired woman to arrive, she interested him, like how he didn't even get her name. Sasuke decided to scan the area to spot anything pink but all he saw was dresses large skirts and glitter. He had to admit he was hoping she would arrive.

"Looking for the woman you met?" Shikamaru asked folding his arms.

"Possibly." Sasuke replied.

"I doubt she would come, she looked the lowest of noble-"

"That's her." Sasuke looked up, there he saw the familiar cherry blossom pink enter the room, and for every woman he had met today he had never considered any of them beautiful. But then he looked at the pink haired woman and that was it.

She really did interest him. He had never felt like that for any woman.

Which was why he would ask her for the first dance.

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