Chapter Eight - A Drunk Fairy God Mother?

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Sakura skipped into the house, she seemed a little happier, even though her Father's death weighed on her chest she felt her heart was a little lighter. No doubt she could tell that just even seeing his face- Sasuke's face lifted the heaviness of her heart dramatically. Then that small smile lessened its weight, then the sound of his voice, then the question of her going to the ball.

She would go to the ball.

No matter what.

Because Sasuke, the prince Sasuke, he was definitely charming. He was just everything- beautiful, handsome, smart, interesting. She didn't think she would ever truly fall for a prince, even if she thought it wouldn't be possible for her a country girl to be with a prince. She didn't care one bit. Even if it wasn't possible, he said he thought she should go.

So would that mean he would meet her there?

She closed the door and didn't even feel one bit irritated that the black shoe mark was back again on the white square of the checkered floor. Sakura skipped up the steps going up the winding stairs until she reached the attic, her room.

It was kind of clean- as clean as she could get it. Katsuyu was sliding around at the floor and she saw some of her mice friends scurrying along the window shelf. Sakura went over to a brown chest ignoring the dust as she opened it. And there she found her mother's old dress, it was a floor length pink dress with puffed out shoulders. Some frills at the bottom.

Okay it was kind of old fashioned. But she had nothing else to wear.

Sakura checked the time, the ball would be in an hour. That was enough time to get the dress on and then to walk to the ball. She would have to sneak out either early before Kin, Tayuya and Step-Mother left or after they left. She decided to pick early because she didn't have any transport to get to the royal palace.

She undid the strings pulling her dirty blue dress together and pulled it off over her head, she tossed it over to her bed. She picked up the pink dress putting it on over her head, she kept the white petticoat on as an underskirt to poof her dress a bit.

Hopefully Hinata would go, but Sakura didn't know where Hinata was living so she couldn't visit her. But Sakura believed Hinata would love it.

The dress fit nicely, Sakura admired it from her cracked mirror, the downside was the dress matched with her hair so it looked odd-never once had her hair actually blended in with something. And it was pretty old-fashioned. But it was precious to her, it was her mothers. She could just imagine her parents proud faces as she set off for the ball- and her father would be proud. Sakura reached along her neck pulling the silver chain necklace up looking at it, the necklace her father gave before he left on his final travel. It was a Sakura blossom.

Sakura found some old black flat shoes under her bed, there was a hole underneath but hopefully no one would notice. She slipped them on and let her necklace out, that was important too. She stepped forwards looking at her face wiping any ash from her face, she had nothing else though no accessories or make-up.

She shrugged, she would go to this ball no matter what.

Sakura creeped to the door prying it open, she checked for the coast to be clear and then quickly tip toed down the winding steps, she reached the grand stair case to the door. Just a few more steps and then-

"What is that ghastly thing your wearing!" Step-Mother exclaimed.


Sakura saw Kin, Tayuya and step-mother walk towards her, Kin was wearing a huge blue dress with a tight black corset, it looked like the corset was suffocating her, she did look pale. And Tayuya had a huge white dress with red dots all over it, she didn't really seem happy to be wearing a dress but she did it anyway.

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