Chapter Twenty Nine - Ino-Shika-Cho Forever.

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Shikamaru stepped past the twig on the forest ground then swerved past the tree, he was walking in the Corona forest. Every year when he went to release a lantern for Ino there was a spot he used, it was a tree house made by Choji, Ino and Shikamaru when they were nine. A pretty well structured tree house might he add for nine year olds. Shikamaru was the one though who made sure it was safe, even if he found it troublesome.

He reached the tree house, it was a simple one really. It was supported by a thick tree trunk that split out into three thinner branches. It was a square shaped wooden made house with a sloping rooftop on each side. There was a wooden made balcony sticking out the side too and a small door, it was regular sized to them when they were kids but now Shikamaru had to duck to get in.

Shikamaru walked to the ladder that Choji had made for them, he smiled looking round the side of the tree trunk. Engraved with a pocketknife read 'Ino-Shika-Cho' with a circle around it, that was their name, Ino wrote it in after they finished the tree house.

As he was about to climb the ladder up he heard a twig snap behind him, Shikamaru quickly spun around grabbing his dagger. When he turned he was met with a woman, she was standing looking annoyed and had a spear in her hand.

Shikamaru scanned the woman, she had teal like eyes and sandy blonde hair which was pulled up into two ponytails- her fringe fell to the right side of her face. His eyes widened "you're the Princess of the Sand Kingdom aren't you?" There was no doubt about it, that was Temari the eldest sibling of Gaara the King and Kankuro the Prince.

"Yeah. And who are you?" She had a deep voice, a little too deep for a woman's voice- it was a stubborn voice.

He had heard of Temari's personality, she was stubborn and wasn't afraid to speak her mind- the definition of a troublesome woman to him. "I'm Shikamaru Nara. Why is a Princess out in the forest?" He tucked his dagger away back behind him.

"I was here for the lanterns just like everyone else." A hand on her hip, she placed her spear back behind her back by effortlessly twirling it between her fingers then slipping it through the red garment around her waist.

"I'd expect that. But I didn't ask why you were in Corona. I asked why you were in the forest."

"I was seeing if there was anything to hunt in the Corona forest." She shrugged.

Shikamaru furrowed his brows, he also heard she liked to hunt a lot. "Does your brothers know that's what you're doing?"

"My brother's don't concern you." She shot a glare. She was wearing a long sleeved dark purple jacket the sleeves tightening at her forearms, the collar was high reaching her chin, a red belt was around her waist with what he guessed was a Palace jewel as the center of the belt. There was a dark blue skirt reaching her ankles that split up the middle showing her slim black trousers and boots.

"Really? Because I'm not sure if you're aware but I go hunting with them sometimes."

"Just who are you?" Temari raised a brow.

Shikamaru shrugged "a friend of theirs."

"You have to have some title to be able to know them." She said bluntly.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki's adviser." He put a hand in his pocket then leaned back against the tree trunk looking at her. She seemed annoyed with him, but it was amusing him.

Temari rolled her eyes "I should have known that. Well I am a Princess so if I wish to take a look in the forest I can."

Shikamaru honestly wasn't buying that, but he didn't want to miss the lanterns- even if it was simply throwing a lantern in the sky it was important. He would never forgive himself if he missed releasing a lantern, Choji wouldn't either.

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