Chapter Six - Best Day Ever.

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Sai held onto the reins of his black horse, his horse was named Anbu, Anbu trotted around the forest knowing Sai was looking for something to paint. Naruto had invited him on a hunting trip but he decided to decline for today. He just felt like painting today.

Sai was a humble man, a little confusing with emotions at first but he was getting the hang of it. Sai used to be a spy for the kingdom, under Danzo's orders. He was brought up to have no feelings and just gather Intel on all the Kingdoms. That was until he met Naruto, and Sai left being a spy.

But his friends helped him, and now he appreciated his friends feelings and his own.

But he was in a daze, Sai shook his head and looked up frowning, he had never seen this part of the forest, Anbu had halted at what looked like a cave? A hole maybe? There was vines down covering them, Anbu was hitting his leg at the vines curiously.

Sai hopped off of his horse his boots hitting the grass.

He lived in this kingdom, in a nice quaint home. He was an artist, drawing or painting things that people would respect and buy. He kept some of his paintings though, but he could never bring himself to give any of his paintings names. He didn't really know why, when there was an art gallery for his paintings Naruto asked "why don't you have names for them?"

And he had no idea.

Sai stretched his arm out reaching through he realized it was no cave, when he looked through the gap, it was like a secret forest. He walked through and Anbu followed flaring his nostrils after almost breathing in a leaf. Sai chuckled.

He looked through creating a gap and his eyes widened at the sight. The secret forest area was quite big, he doubted people would ever find it. There was a beautiful waterfall by the rocks and rich green grass all over the area, trees dotted around, a single cherry blossom tree was stood by a small pond.

But Sai didn't really care about that. What he cared about. Was the tall tower within the secret forest.

Sai walked towards the tower hopping over the small pond, it was just like a tall spire. A red point and stone made, there was no door though and simply a window at the very top. But he wanted to see what was up there. An artists inspiration was always buzzing for adventure.

He picked out two arrows from his quiver and then drove them into gaps of the stones pulling himself up. He kept digging his arrow into gaps climbing higher and higher. This would be a great place to draw. Even from the window in the tower.

The room would probably be crawling with insects though, no one would be staying in this tower.
He pulled himself up again digging his foot into a sticking out stone for one more support. After that he dug the arrow higher pulling up again with a slight grunt.

But then what was the point in a tower to be made with only a room up at the top? No door for entrance? So why would it be constructed?

Sai stretched his arm up and it grabbed the window shelf above. He pulled himself up and got his foot inside stepping in. Sai looked around blinking. It was clean? Like someone was living here?

He turned to the left and saw a woman look frightened holding a frying pan in her hand. Her hair was extremely long, it was actually spiraling around the room even hanging up beams that held the roof up, some trailed along the stairs too. "Hello-" and then she screamed swinging the pan against his head. Sai felt himself become dizzy and he fell onto the floor losing consciousness.


Ino gasped staring at the man that was passed out in her room. She held the frying pan at him even though he was face down on the floor.

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