Chapter Ten - I'll Have A Ball!

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Sai reached his arm out to Ino and she smiled taking it, she hopped up and on top of his horse with her other hand grasping his shoulder to help her up, then Sai set off out of the secret forest. Ino held on with both hands on his shoulders, she looked at the tower as a finally goodbye then turned back smiling. "Thank you."

He nodded and they left the secret forest the vine leaves ruffling out as they galloping in the direction to Corona, Ino asked as they rode "I have one request though before we see my parents."

"What's that?"

"Could we see the lanterns. Before I meet them, I just- I want to see them before I have to be welcomed back by everyone, what if I miss them? I just want to see the lanterns as me."

He kind of understood what she meant, anyway if she did turn up at Corona they might not set off the lanterns because they were released for her birthday as the missing princess. But no, he did understand, she just wanted to see them before. "Alright."

"Thank you." Ino smiled, her hair still trailed slightly but flew as they rode. Sai said "we'll most likely get to Corona by tomorrow so we can see the lanterns then go to your parents."

"That sounds like a good plan." Ino nodded, "what's your horses name?"


Ino nodded and stroked Anbu's black side, "he's pretty."

He wouldn't use the word pretty to describe his horse but sure. It was also getting quite late, Sai considered sending a messenger bird to Naruto and the others but if he let them know he had the missing Princess they would all come to help. And then that hope in her eyes to see the lanterns was so big. And then they would try quickly usher her to the King and Queen, or Naruto would end up blurting it out to someone.

"What's the kingdom like now?" Ino asked in his ear. She looked around as they went, passing a beautiful river, then flowers of all kinds, seeing squirrels and other animals. It was all so amazing to see it again. But she spotted her lengthy hair almost get caught in a branch so she gathered it up in a bundle in her arms trying to stop it from flying out freely.

"It's still enjoyable, full of people who are always singing and dancing. I go every year to release a lantern, it was Shikamaru and Choji's idea for us all to go."

Ino nodded and bit her lip smiling, so every year whenever she saw the lanterns in there was always her friends Shikamaru and Choji's, she wondered if Sakura went too. Shikamaru, Choji and herself had a strong kind of bond together, they called themselves the Ino-Shika-Cho team. They were her best friends, they even had their own tree house for sleepovers when they were children and they even painted it.

Sai suddenly went stiff, she felt it as she held onto him. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot I must be missing the ball because of this." Sai replied.

Ino gasped "there was a ball! I'm sorry!"

He shook his head "it's fine. I was just interested to see who Sasuke-kun would pick for a wife."

"The Prince is picking a wife?"

He nodded. "This will be for his future Queen so the whole land will end up attending."

Ino sighed thinking about Sakura, when they were kids they always fantasized about who would get the Prince Sasuke. Sakura argued that she would have more of a chance in case Ino was put into an arranged marriage. But Ino always said because she was a Princess she could get a Prince. But Sakura always seemed so amazed at rumors by him. She looked to her wrist at the red ribbon still securely tied around her wrist, she would never lose that ever.

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