Chapter Twenty One - Kill The Wolf.

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Tenten left Aoba's home silently, his family was still in tears, the wolf had tore off his leg and ripped his torso wide. Then he was left in the snow and bled to death, she walked down the snowy path looking down at the ground. Snow tickling down on the village and snow resting upon her rich red cloak.

How was this still happening after years and years? How was the village still letting this happen?

She wasn't going to sit around and hide in her cabin another night at the full moon and let the wolf tear another villager apart. Her parents died trying to kill the wolf, and now if she had to die to kill the wolf she would gladly give her life. 

Tenten opened her home door seeing Genma sitting on the couch with a needle between his teeth and a crossbow next to him. He looked up and raised his eyebrows "you okay?"

"I'm fine." Tenten nodded, she took a seat across from him, "we can wait about an hour or so then take the wolf by surprise in the day. That's our best option." Genma sure liked to make himself at home at her house. But then again she didn't mind, they had been friends for a while.

"What about your Grandmother?"

She pushed her fringe back and it fell forwards again "I'm going to give her some peace and quiet for her time left. What about your Father and Fiance?"

"He can handle it. Well, she might not but it's time to say goodbye to the wolf." Genma shrugged, Aoba's death had hit him hard, now he was only wanting the wolf dead, but Tenten was right there with them. They had known each other for a few years now, Genma taught her a lot of weapon wielding skills but she had learned most by herself.

"Yeah." Tenten nodded, she nudged the door over with her boot and picked up the axe against the wall. Her sad face had faded and now turned into determination and anger. Tenten swung the axe and the drove it into the floor creating a deep dent, she looked furious "let's kill it."

Yes. She was going to go and kill it. This would be the end for the damn wolf.

Tenten swung the axe again and then hooked it behind her back, Genma stood up also hooking his crossbow behind his back. Silver was within the arrows Genma had and Tenten had her father's silver axe, she opened the door again to the snow marching out followed by Genma.

This would be the end.

They walked shoulder to shoulder along the village, some of them giving curious looks at the two while they looked straight ahead. Tenten was walking with no fear, she didn't even fear her death, because Tenten didn't have anyone left. Her Grandmother was ill, she would be gone soon even if it pained Tenten to think so. But with the days her Grandmother had left Tenten wanted to make them peaceful days.

And there wasn't anyone else.

Suddenly, an image popped into her head, an image of Neji.

Tenten shook her head to shake it off, why was she thinking about him? She shouldn't be thinking about him anyway, Neji was a Prince, he had more important things to think about than her, because she was just a villager. Even though he said he would return for his sword to be fixed Tenten doubted he would be coming back, but she didn't mind. Neji had a family to go to. And she didn't want to trouble him.

"You alright?" Genma asked.

Tenten nodded "fine."

He narrowed his eyes "are you thinking about that Hyuga guy?"

Tenten rolled her eyes, Genma could read people like a book. She nodded "yeah."

"You love him?"

She shrugged "I don't know. Maybe I did, but it doesn't matter now." No she would shove him aside, the wolf's head on a spike was her top priority.

He shrugged, "right." He said it slowly so he didn't believe her. The two walked up the stone path towards the forest, there was always her Grandmother's cabin at the end of the village then the forest after it. Tenten breathed out a cloud of air and walked past her Grandmother's cabin, it was a quaint little cabin with a chimney steaming smoke from it.

Genma halted abruptly and swung his arm out making Tenten halt "what is it?"

He was looking towards the cabin and reached up pointing his finger at the ground, Tenten frowned looking down then her mouth opened. There were wolf footprints leading out from the window of her Grandmother's house, the window was smashed when she looked closer. Shards of glass sprinkled on the snow.

She gripped her axe then nodded to Genma and they crept towards the cabin, boots crunching in the snow. The foot prints looked like they were heading towards the cabin- which meant her Grandmother would be in trouble. She looked through the smashed window seeing the wet large footprints on the wooden floorboards.

Tenten entered the cabin and followed the footprints Genma behind her, she cringed scrunching up her face when her boot leaned onto a creaking floorboard. She quickly passed it and Genma noticed it dodging it making a larger step past the floorboard.

They came through to the bedroom, but her Grandmother wasn't there, she followed the footprints to a window at the back of the house. The window also smashed shards on the floor, Tenten looked outside to see more footprints in the snow. "She's not in here." Tenten sighed in relief. She assumed she was at her oranges stall.

Tenten opened up the back door going outside followed by Genma, after following the large footprints she halted. It lead along to a dark looking cave, that was where the wolf stayed and slept. She swung her axe and then gave a brave look to Genma.

This was the right thing to do, this would protect the village after they feared the wolf for generations after generations. So Tenten would protect everyone, she didn't have anything else anyway- there was just her Grandmother. But she was practically on her death bed at her old age. Then there was no one else that close to her.

Tenten stepped into the dark cave gripping her axe ready to swing.

An image suddenly appeared in her head, it was Neji again. When they were sitting drinking tea in her cabin laughing and chatting. She shook her head shaking it off.

There was suddenly a deep growl that echoed through the cave.

"The wolf." Tenten whispered.


This is a short one apologies! Also sorry it's a bit late. But as I said before prelims coming in January are crawling up on me. 

I hope you enjoyed! If you did please give a vote I appreciate it! As always the next chapter will be next Wednesday but I can't determine which time yet because it's the day before I'm back to school but it'll definitely be Wednesday. The next chapter will be called Chapter Twenty Two - Corona. If you've seen Tangled you'll be able to tell who we're seeing again! Comment below on your thoughts on who we'll be seeing again or on this chapter! Thanks!

Also it'll be 2016 the next time I update! So happy new year, are you guys doing anything for it? Or any new year resolutions? 



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