Chapter Seven - The Huntsman.

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Hinata arrived back in a very good mood, she closed the door over with a slight skip in her step as she got to the kitchen putting the basket down. She saw Hanabi doing the dishes by the sink, Hanabi turned and smiled "onee-san! You seem happy today?"

She nodded walking over to Hanabi, she whispered "I met a Prince today!"

"A Prince?!" Hanabi shrieked.

Hinata shook her head putting her finger to her lips "shh. It was when I was walking in the forest, I saw Prince Naruto. He was really kind, and he arranged for us to meet again tomorrow!" She had never been so excited in years, this was the most idyllic thing to happen to her, ever.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Hanabi smiled widely clapping her wet dishwater hands together getting some water on their dresses. Hinata didn't mind.

"Thank you." Hinata smiled "oh and also, there's a ball at the royal palace tonight. People of any nobility can attend."

Hanabi's white eyes widened "so we could attend!"

"But I'm worried we won't be allowed. It's likely we won't be." Hinata sighed, "I would really love to go."

"Then sneak out! I remember you told me about that girl Sakura you met? She sounded like she would sneak out to go." Hanabi placed a plate up in the drawer. It was embarrassing, her younger sister had so much more confidence than herself.

Hinata nodded, but she wasn't like Sakura. Hinata did wish she was like Sakura who was a confident woman not afraid of getting in trouble. But that wasn't Hinata, she was shy and worried of getting into trouble. Sometimes she worried Hanabi would have preferred to have a sister who was more like Sakura.

Hanabi rolled her eyes "even if you don't go onee-san. At least make sure you go visit that handsome Prince again tomorrow right?"



Madam stood in her bed chambers eagerly awaiting her Huntsman, not that she revealed her eagerness. She was still as calm as a snake waiting for its prey. Hinata had came back, and even though she so dearly wanted to rip her throat out she didn't. Instead she let her continue her chores. But Hinata was joyful. Because she met that prince.

"That huntsman better come soon." She hissed she was sitting in a chair with a carving knife and a blood red apple. Removing the skin from the apple, carving it deeply, she could just imagine Hinata's face as the apple.

The mirror to the left flickered and then her face appeared in it with soulless black eyes. "He's here now."

Knock. Knock. Kno-

"Come in." Madam called, she crossed her legs.

The door opened. It was the huntsman. He closed the door over and walked forwards, a dog by his side. "Yo." A single handed wave from the man showing his leather gloves.

Her eye twitched a little, what a rude greeting "good afternoon Huntsman."

He narrowed his eyes, he had canine like eyes. Shaggy brown hair with some stubble and red stripes on each side of his cheeks. He wore brown trousers with black boots, a plain tunic and cloak. There was a dagger in his belt and a sword behind his back.

"So you want me to kill someone? I only hunt for livestock, I just came to say yo and see you later." He shrugged turning to leave. His tall furry dog had white hair, he also turned on its paws to leave, the dog almost swaggering out like his master to insult her.

"Hang on." Madam sat the apple and knife down folding her arms. "If you don't do this. I will kill you. I chose you specifically to do this job."

"You think you an old hag can-" he halted whilst turning back to her. She had flicked her wrist and the knife picked itself up to point at the huntsman.

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