Chapter Twenty Seven - The Mermaid.

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Kiba sighed walking through the forest, dodging around a pig trap that Akamaru spotted telling him it was there with a small bark. He was bored, so due to his boredom here he was in Corona to see the lanterns be released taking the spot he used last year.

He came out through a clearing in the forest with his dog, the sound of the gentle waves entered his ears and the smell of the salty sea entering his nose. Kiba grinned when he came out at the cliff area, that was his previous spot. The cliff view could see the Kingdom in the distance and the boats moving out to prepare the lanterns.

Kiba sat down by the edge Akamaru laying down next to him, Kiba's black cloak folding down behind him when he sat. Kiba crossed his legs then put a hand on his dogs scruffy but soft white fur to await the lanterns being released.

Everything did turn out well in the end, he never killed Hinata and the Queen never killed her either, the dwarves helped her out. Kiba didn't know where she was now though, but he had a feeling she would be here. Now that a missing Princess was back she would probably want to re-build the Kingdom.

And if they did re-build the Hyuga Kingdom Kiba would be there to see it, he never tried to live in other Kingdom's. He always believed the Hyuga Kingdom was his home, then it was destroyed and his home was the forest. He was never alone though, he always had Akamaru by his side. And he even made a friend at the tavern whom he still met- a weird friend though. His name was Shino.

If the Kingdom was re-built Kiba had some goals, he would try and go to Hinata to become a better man. No longer being a huntsman, he would no longer shed any blood. He just wanted to protect the Kingdom.

Kiba had always liked Hinata, when they met as children he really liked her. But now she was different, and seeing her different made him not love her anymore. Hinata was moving ahead with her life and from what he found out she was moving on with the Prince Naruto. So she had found her true love.

Would a huntsman ever find love?

"Hey Akamaru. Do you think I'll ever find a true love and all that?" Kiba gave a toothy smirk looking at his trusty companion.

Akamaru lifted his head then barked bobbing his head. Kiba took that response to be a yes. Kiba grinned moving his foot outwards and then sat his legs over the edge, "it'll probably be ages until I find anyone." Kiba sighed.

Kiba never was exactly romantic- he had of course been with women after having a bit too much rum at a tavern then ending up having an evening with them. But then it never was right, he never would actually want to meet his true love in a stinking tavern anyway. "I wonder what she'll be like."

There was a sudden flash ahead in the sea making Kiba narrow his dog like eyes, he leaned forwards then saw a small splash and a fish like tail. Kiba whispered "are those mermaids?" He had heard tales and rumors about mermaids. Fearsome creatures but also with amazing beauty- mermaids had glorious singing voices, their prey were pirates since the pirates became so entranced by the sound of their voices. Beautiful but deadly.

He heard a pirate ship was on the seas until they heard a beautiful singing voice making them all be under some type of spell. Then when the singing ended the ship was heading right into the rocks making the ship get destroyed and many drowning in the waters. So Kiba always decided to be cautious around the seas, if ever on a ship he would keep his wits about him.

Kiba leaned closer to try confirm if there was mermaids, instead he felt the cliff he sat upon slightly crumble. Just the edge area, Kiba gasped "woah!" He slipped forwards off the cliff letting out a cry of shock as he fell, he heard Akamaru barking rapidly seeing his master fall.

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