Chapter Thirty Seven - The Mad Hatter.

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Sasuke walked over to Sai who was standing by watching the dancing in the square talking. He spotted his familiar pink haired fiancee in there dancing too, he looked around seeing a few familiar faces- Choji, Ino, Lee and an enthusiastic Gai. Sakura was currently linking arms with Lee skipping round. It was a traditional dance altough Lee was spinning Sakura at an alarming rate.

It was odd sleeping with Sakura- just sleeping. Sasuke felt her warmth even if she wasn't pulled up against him, it was a feverish like heat. And she smelled like cherries, like a bottled up perfume rich ladies would use. Her hair slightly fanned out on the pillow and he watched her chest rising and falling for a while, her peaceful face.

He didn't touch her though, they slept facing different sides. But it was a step forwards, a step forwards she made when asking him to stay. He didn't decline, and it was a very very good sleep he had to admit.

Sakura switched partners spinning around, Sasuke saw her beaming smile.

It was one of those times when you look at a the sun or a bright light for too long every time you blink or close your eyes it appears in your vision? Of course it would stop after a while. But this time for Sasuke, Sakura was the candle. Every time he blinked or even closed his eyes an image of Sakura would appear in his mind whenever he closed his eyes for just a millisecond there was pink.

Sakura had spun around then backed into the circle to let others dance clapping her hands together with Ino. She spotted Sasuke standing by then waved her arm in the air.

 The view of the two was cut off when Ino whooshed past the two towards Sai. Ino took Sai's hand "I need to show you something!" Then Sasuke and Sakura watched as Ino dragged Sai around the side of the castle.  

Sasuke breathed out through his nose and shook his head closing his eyes over. But there she was again invading his mind. Then when he opened his eyes again she was there facing him, she grinned "I didn't know you were down here Sasuke-kun?"

"I would have told you but I wouldn't get in the way of the dancing." He shrugged.

"Come on let's dance!" Sakura grinned.

Sasuke shook his head, "I don't dance."

Shikamaru snorted slightly putting his hands behind his head "then why do I recall you danced with Sakura at the ball?"

Sasuke shot Shikamaru daggers.

Sakura walked closer "come on can't you just-eh?" She stepped back as his two fingers rose before her face, "what are you-" She stopped when his fingers tapped onto her forehead, Sakura blinked in confusion looking at him.

"We can dance next time." Sasuke smiled.

Sakura blushed. Still looking at his two fingertips pressing gently on her forehead. They looked to each other longingly with emerald and black. After there was a sudden cracking noise he pulled back his arm lowering it back next to his side.

The two looked up just as the skies above opened and rain began showering over them heavily. She gasped loudly as in an instant she was soaked in water. It was in loud patters hitting the ground while creating puddle after puddle. The villagers celebrating took no time to rush away from the area to find shelter.

Sakura sighed, "we should probably go back into the Palace!" She turned away from Sasuke towards the castle, her dress was sticking to her skin and her pink hair sticking near her face. The rain sliding down her face and arms. She wondered what Ino was showing Sai, it was probably something romantic. It made her happy but at the same time sad. Sasuke didn't care for anything like romance, nor did he try romance so neither did she.

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